10 things you missed in the latest Death Stranding 2 trailer

by pokogame

I am a huge death fan, and I’m analyzing the trailer to find a cool details in it. With Kojima Games, analyzing its trailers already like playing the game, so I got 10 things in it:

Will be part of a country game map included in Australia and Aurl orange: As part of the game map, there are many indicators on different continents, but the most telling is the presence of a snowy region where Aurora Borialis can be seen, and the presence of cocaine -related items in the pre -order bonus. Aurora Borelius can only be seen in the Oral Overlook, including: Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia. While Kokka is the only animal that is only in Australia.

10 things you missed in the latest Death Stranding 2 trailer

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Sam can simultaneously equip with both primary and secondary weapons: The shots below the beans have both a rifle and a handgun on the bean leg.


Velch customs will be deep: As you can see here, the visits can be installed extra coaches, weapons and even stickers.


Hagus uses different masks with different expression: Like the Greek tragedy and a comedy mask, Hegas has several masks that showcase different emotions.


Seam can dive into the ground by diving: On it Timstamp Of the trailer, if you play it at a speed of 0.5x, you can see the ongoing attack on Sam and come back quickly.

Sam can shoot by dragging through BTS: As you can see below, Sam is shooting its rifle while dragging from the BT attack.


Zip lines can now be attached to the curved path: In the DS1, the zipper lines can only be connected if the speed between them is straight. In DS2 it seems that you can get more creative with it.


The church is real in the last scene with the snake Easter egg: It seems This one In Mexico

Enemies wear Armor that can be shot dynamically: As you can see in this GIF, Sam shot the helmet with an armored enemy.


Sam has different suits: Beyond ordinary drawback suits, the beans also wear chemo in the trailer, as you can see below.


In the trailer I found out a lot. If you are interested, I wrote an analysis of the whole thing on the medium. It’s too long, so I recommend reading it in more than one. One day I would probably switch to video instead.

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