5,000 gold, 2,500 hours, and one priceless scroll: Baldur’s Gate 3 player cooks up a “Midas run” by turning the RPG’s bosses into solid gold trophies, because “why not”

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5,000 gold, 2,500 hours, and one priceless scroll: Baldur’s Gate 3 player cooks up a “Midas run” by turning the RPG’s bosses into solid gold trophies, because “why not”

Many players will do Bloodore’s greedy boss of Gate 3, controlling Garangothy Thorum, charming, murder, or simply avoiding it.. But if you are enlightened to bribe your path through a toolkeeper encounter with at least 5,000 gold, you can make one of the rare mantras in the entire RPG: gold from meat. The only way to use this magic is a script for Gerringoth, which can turn anything into a dynamic hink of solid gold, and you only get one scroll per play. This will make it difficult to say that, most of the owners in the Act 3 will convert into the Golded Trophy – but not impossible, because a player proved to be in his recent “Midas Run”.

Our Golded Hero, Reddate User NNMNSP, first developed the taste of everything that is shining Changing Mercol into gold with success in Act 2. Sadly, “It seems that Mercol has been code to not be a permanent gold.” “Whenever he failed to speak DC on Stage 3, his ‘turning towards gold’ is removed.”

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