8 Best Anime Love Confessions, Ranked

by pokogame

Love confessions in mobile phones have always been a sight to see. Some of them are stupid, while others are masterpieces that really love you in the air. These confessions often prove that the characters have given rise to the right growth, which makes the impact of confession huge.


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You will just read these explanations and find the eyes of the tears.

From the confession of love of high school to the declaration of love in life or death, these confessions will never fail to pull your hearts. However, you will rarely come to the drops of comfortable and sudden love that has a much greater effect than appearing on the surface.

There are a lot of spoils for the mobile phones mentioned ahead.


Shigo Kejima

From the crowded psico 100

Shigio, known as the MOB, is an interesting matter because it was not acknowledged as if he had planned. After crushing his childhood friend Susobomi for many years, the crowd finally dared to confess. Unfortunately, he was rejected by him because Sobomi did not share the same emotions he had done.

However, the rejection does not change the effects of his confession. The WHO, who fails to read the notorious room, like Mob, who fails to read the notorious room, has enough courage to keep his emotions out. Although confession certainly hurt him to the extent of tears, he learned from it and made a significant jump in personal development.


Ezumi Miamura

From Hurimia

When the hole is below the fever, Miamura suddenly shows her in her room to take care of it. During his sick condition, Hori remembers the trauma of the past and breaks in front of Miamura. Of course, he comforts her and assures her that she will not leave her as long as she wishes. Once she returns to bed, Miamura accidentally drops a bomb of love on her.


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This is a very unique confession that will come to you, especially for a high school romance mobile phone. This is a famous confession that dragted out is a breath of fresh air in the sea of ​​the last episode confession. During the scene, Horimia provides an excellent combination of humor and emotion that feels very natural. In addition, Hori and Miamura are just perfect couples.


Edward Elick

From the Filmetal Alcomest: Brother

At the very end of the FMAB, Edward confesses to Winry in a very strange and famous scene. Flusing, Ed screams “Equal exchange!” And says that he will give half of his life and demands that he do the same. Easily, Vinary Aid tells her that she will give her her entire life instead of half. Indeed, after a few moments, he realized what he had just said and he was very blowing.

This is definitely strange and painful, but most of all, it is sweet and fun. It is only after the start of the show, which has left precise symptoms and indicators. This confession fits the characters and their personalities well, which produces a satisfactory conclusion.


Hentita Hua will

From Naroto Shipden

To protect Naruto from pain, Hanata puts her life on the line. This incident itself is a masterpiece, in which the moments of the role of Heaanta are remembered, which reaches the confession. Once the Hanta jumps in the war, she tells Naruto how her life has changed. Now, she is not afraid to die if she means to protect her, because she loves her.

This is a very emotional and brutal confession in mobile phones. Animation, voice track, and sound acting, all did justice to Hanta’s emotions. However, they are in the middle of a war, so the only thing that Naroto can tell Hunta is to get away with pain. Naturally, she does not listen, and if needed, the commitment to die for Naruto is beautiful.


Sakota azusagawa

Russell Bani girl does not dream of Sanpai

You cannot be wrong with public confession, especially to save the girl of your choice. Mai is on the way to disappearing from reality, and it depends on Sakota to prevent it from ending completely. Sakota then runs in the courtyard of the school and confesses his feelings for Mai screaming on the top of his lungs. This is a beautiful scene, especially knowing what Sakota has to protect Mai from being completely invisible.

Although it can be difficult to understand the whole concept of youth syndrome, this is a wonderful way to look at the real problems of young people. Sakota started his relationship with Mai through this confession. Of course, Sakota’s voice actor did not keep emotions behind.



From Freen: Beyond the end of the trip

This confession is not as clear as the rest, but it is the most written and tragic confession in mobile phones. During a flashback, we see Hamil trying to find a gift to Freen. Its unknown, Freen, ended a ring, which is a symbol of eternal love. Indeed, Hamil immediately. It recognizes it and takes the opportunity to go to a knee, and put the ring on the fareworr.


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This is a beautiful, but a tragic moment, knowing that Hamil can never express his love to Fareen. Hamil remains single until he dies from old age to strengthen his love for Freen. The symbol of the passage of time is a large scale clock tower in the background. These are the confessions that will tear you a bit.



Again: zero – starting life in another world

After going through countless deaths and horrific conditions, Sabaro is at its absolute lower level. He wants to run with the SM, but Rim steps to protect him from despair. The whole incident here is assuring Rim Sabaro and trying to bring it back to his feet, in which some of the best dialogue RAM is beautifully presented by the actress.

Although the REM could easily run away with Subaru and start his life with him, he stays on Sabaro’s role and rejects it. She also acknowledges her feelings about the end, but we all know how it has come out. Despite being rejected, she lives and helps her, even at the cost of her life.


Myocoi Shirgan

Kagoya Sama: Love is war

The most extravagant confession for Moyuki Kagoya plans when he realizes that he has to study abroad. He gradually plans for every character to ensure that none of them goes on the way. After everything is fixed, he gives a very good guidance to the roof of the school, and with a large beating of the balloon, Kagoya is explained that he feels like it.

You usually do not expect confessions from a mobile phone with a “love war” in the title. This shows you how much role Maiuki has achieved by this moment. Even Kagoya’s response was shocking, going straight to kisses, “I feel like that.” A surprisingly hanging moment with the perfect sound track. The confession of mobile phones is not better than that.


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