8 Well-Known Celebrities Who Played Small Roles In Video Games

by pokogame

The list of video game cast is sometimes full of famous names, as many great games use Hollywood actors in their leading characters. Although they are not necessarily good as sound actors, companies believe they get more attention.


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You want to take the most of this focus, you want to give these big names some important role so that they can often appear in the game. However, not everyone goes with this procedure. These famous names of some developers give the sound of minor characters in their titles. Occasionally, the character is so small that you don’t even feel that a celebrity is voice. Here are some examples of famous people who have given their voices to minor characters.


Emma Stone

Amanda Cart Right in gold dogs

So far, Emma Stone is a domestic name. In many famous films, he has acted from Birdman to La Land, and he is even a two -time academy award. Although most of her acting career is spent in the film, she was also prominent in a video game.

They were the underground open world title, gold dogs. In this, she plays the role of Amanda, who is interested in love with the main character. Its presence in the main story is very few. The character is included in an important mission and an optional, so it gets very little time.


Lawrence Taylor

BJ Smith in Grand theft Auto: Voice City

Not all celebrities in the video games are actors. For example, Lawrence Taylor was a famous football player who played in the NFL and was a very well -known line baker.


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In the Grand Stolen Auto: In the Voice City, he plays the role of a different former football player, BJ Smith, who sells his auto -shop to an optional Katasan. He does not get much dialogue, but in the lines he offers, he has mentioned that he is trying to return and continue his career as a football player.


Patrick Stewart

Uriel septum in Elder Scrolls 4: Misleading

Patrick Stewart is one of the most famous and respected actors of his generation. It has played many famous roles, such as Captain Jane Lok Packard from Star Trek and Professor Charles Zavar from Xman. When you drive these characters, he got a lot of screen time from which he does Uriel Septium in Oblin.

Septium is a emperor who goes through a difficult time in the game, starting with the killing of his sons. Shortly afterwards, he was also killed. So, you just see it for a few minutes, which is a very long game.


David Tennant

Radio Host in Kaz 3 only

While he is most known to play the role of a doctor in the doctor, David Tennat did a lot of things in his career. The actor has worked in a series like Broadcharch, Jessica Jones, and Good Mines. However, he does not have the role of acting in Just Kaz 3. Instead, he serves as a radio host for the General’s News Network, where he reports about the things that Medic’s imaginary nation.

It is a comedy element of broadcast. He is clearly concerned how the oppressive rulers of the nation are treating him, but they are trying to stay positive. He does not play any special role in the story, but he is a heartbreaking part of the game.


Rob Van Dam

Bobby in a row of saints: Third and Saints Rows 4

Rob Van Dam is a famous professional wrestler who has worked for many different companies in more than 30 years of career. Therefore, she is featured in the Latney of the Wrestling Video Games. He has also given a voice to Bobby in the Saints Row series.

Bobby Professor Jinn is an observer on many content. Therefore, in the Saints Row: Third, the professor who commented on the activities of his high moral reality and is a declaration for the Jinnab DLC. Van Dam has also reacted to the role of Professor Jinn as part of the mind on the murder activity. It has mostly optional content.


Jonathan Ross

Barry hatch in Dastan 3

Jonathan Ross may not be an immediate name for Americans, but he is very famous in the UK. She is primarily a television host who found celebrities of all kinds of mainstream celebrities, including the big Americans.


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More importantly, he raised the voice of Barry Hatch in Dastan 3. The role is in the game for a short time and it is the servant of the villain River. He not only guides the main character through the River’s manor, but he is also an observer on the wheel of the game of unfortunate game in which you participate.


David Cross

Marines in Hello 2

During his career, David Cross has been involved in many different projects. He has been included in many films, appeared in a group of TV shows, and presented many shows at standup shows. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has also been published in video games.

Still, his role in Hello 2 is not huge. In fact, he does not really play a definite character. Instead, he lends his voice to the NPC Marines who help the Master Chief in the war. This may not be a big role, but the cross offers some comedy lines like these boys.



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Kerry Fisher will always be remembered for playing Princess Leah in Star Wars films. The actress has also appeared in many other films and TV shows, including a repeated space on family cows.

Not surprisingly, it doesn’t have many video game credit. Nevertheless, she plays a very small role in dishonor. This role is more than anything else than Easter eggs. Throughout the game, you can hear the broadcasting messages in Danwal city. At one point of the story, you will end it. If you do this, it has been replaced by Carrie Fisher Visad Broadcaster.


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