E3 Organizers Announce New Gaming Event

by pokogame


  • E3 Organizer ESA announces a new gaming event: Interactive Innovation Conference, or Icon.

  • The icon is the only invitation that will take place in Las Vegas at the end of April 2026.

  • The IICON will be significantly different from the modern E3S that it will be completely industry -based event.

Entertainment Software Association (ESA), known as Organizer E3An Interactive Innovation Conference announced a new gaming event. The first certified details of the next event suggest that its concept will be significantly different from E3, at least compared to the recent edition of the commercial show.

The last electronic Entertainment Expo took place in 2021. The ESA allegedly damaged millions of dollars to E3 2021, then canceled two repetitions after the trade show. In December 2023, a Washington -based organization announced that it had decided to close the E3.


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Hello 2 fans have finally had the opportunity to re -run the classic E3 2003 demo for the game thanks to entertainment in the Hallmaster Chief Collection.

14 months after the E3 formally assassinated, ESA has now returned with the announcement of another gaming event – interactive innovation conference. Icon (“Icon” as stylized). Just as its mankar suggests, the icon is considered as a forward -thinking conference where industry professionals can learn and network networks. ESA has called it “the first of its kind that is designed to connect visions, thinking leaders and innovators from the whole industry,” all of them are to use the power of interactive entertainment with the aim of helping them. “

Interactive Innovation Conference (IICON) Review

Icon conference logo graphic dates Las Vegas 2026

  • Dates: 27-30 April, 2026
  • Location: Fantineblo Resort, Las Vegas, NV
  • Certified key offerings: Amazon Games, Disney, Electronic Arts, Epic Games, Microsoft, Nintendo of America, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Square Enxes, Tech to Interactive, Ubesoft, Warner Bruce Games

The icon will be between 27 and 30, 2026. His choice is a Fonthenblo Resort, a five -star hotel in the city’s Las Vegas. Long -time E3 partners have already agreed to send representatives to host the keynote at the event. The list of certified IICON 2026 key offerings includes Nintendo of America officials, PlayStation, Ubesoft, Electronic Arts, and Take -to -Interactive, among others. The conference will only be invited, and potential participants can already sign up for up -to -date organizers ‘organizers’ official website. Most invitations will potentially serve as special salaried tickets, though it is currently unclear when they will be available.

Icon will be different from modern E3S

The only invitation to the event is significantly different from the modern repetition of E3, which was largely based on consumer. At the same time, the focus on this immunity and event innovation and networking reminds him of the original concept of E3. Between 1995 and 2016, the Electronic Entertainment Expo was just an industry event, and its 2017 edition was the first to be open to the public.

The interactive entertainment is designed to integrate insights, thinking leaders and innovators to utilize the power of entertainment.

As far as the game announcements are concerned, this aspect of the E3 was already effectively changed by the specific events of the Summer Game Fest and the publisher. After that, the ESA blamed the main reason for closing its long -running trade show. However, IICON’s announcement shows that the ESA still sees a place for industry -based gaming event.


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Since the E3 2023 has been canceled and the future of the Expo is uncertain, it is time to celebrate the past.

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