When I first heard about it Sokodon I & II Remster, I was very excited. This series is one that became a strong favorite of me during my teenage era, at the original PlayStation. An RPG franchise in Japan was celebrated more than the West Beaches, the sports made this genre a full title full of all the trumps we now see as a tent pole.
We have a proportional main character, the son of a respected elder, who is separated by a tyrannical society and the government, which makes a band of heroes in hopes of eliminating the upper acne of the country. This is a simple basis, and when I want to suggest that everyone should play this release, it is difficult to do.
When I was very young and played the first game in the Socadon series, I was relatively new in RPGS. The hook of this game – forming an army of more than 100 usable characters – was appealing, and this story presented me with many dramatic moments. However, revising the game after so many years shows how easy it was, and still. Very easy, in fact. Dialogue, which can be seen faster, is more simple. Important moments feel faster in their packing, with emotion weight knives they quickly decrease by supplying them. The worst of the worst characters have an interesting ability to recruit the characters, which, 30 years ago, felt fully formulated and dynamic, actually two -dimensional and dim instead.

Putting back my mind, I remember visiting some cities, completing works, or looking for all 108 characters at the level just to show their strength. Right now, many characters are recruited just by saying hello, and when they slowly fill your palace base, I rarely talk with them. It is not a matter of defaming what a unique idea is. During the game, you really feel that you are raising the army, giving them a stable base, and dealing with mistakes in the world. However, it all seems to be very quiet than the things that come after 1995.
This makes it a tough sale to everyone who is not playing in the game for the hit of old memories. Being a remost, the effort cannot be denied that has been able to improve the visuals. The backgrounds are clean and crisp, pixel art is just as delightful as it was, and new effects within the battles come into life in a way that was considered only in the 1990s. In the upper part of it, music is still a victory, which dances between bravery and jokes, and there are more sound effects to overcome the world’s feeling, making everything more authentic.

It is worth considering, there is a new auto -seavor option, though it is a hit and miss. In fact, the entire saving system really needed a revision. Just being able to save in the nineteen is so ancient, it hurts development, especially if you die in war and pass through slow conversations and menu, the last 15 minutes have to play again.
I know I am quite negative, and it honestly hurts me. On the one hand, it is a very loyal entertainment of the actual game, which has some spit and polish. On the other hand, the release shows such an old and crack game that soon feels like it should have been left in the past. I have problems here. Certainly, the story is slightly fundamental and the dialogue is often achieved, but the death of God, it is heartfelt and there are some astonishing moments that will draw you inside. Unfortunately, Socodin Its age shows in a number of ways that will either be confused or just disappointed.
Then there is also a sequel, which is also included in the package.
What comes after that, as soon as you enter the sequel, there is a revolution compared to the first game. Not just the original release Sokodon II The first game’s remistrator covers many problems, but the story goes up and beyond, while visual eyes become invitations. Both backgrounds and characters have gone a great deal of pixel graphics with a lot of detail, making music more important and driven by emotions and emotions – everything here seems tremendously polished.

Something hang over from the first game, such as a strange manong when equipped the coach, because each character has some inventory, which means that items between party members should be constantly disputed.
The differences between the two sports are radical. The result is greatly good in every department, with the story probably leads. Where the first game felt very common, Sokodon II Properly tells a lot of dramatic story, with round characters. Nothing here looks like a cookie cutter, and many moments before the game feel worth traveling rather than being in the game.
Three years after the first game events, the story follows our main character, though this time we are controlling a different role. This double pack includes the original Safe Game Transfer, which means you can draw details from the first game. And when you meet some familiar faces, this story stands itself, and tells the story of a serious truth of war and how it affects the population.

The beauty of the pixel graphics here cannot be denied. In the first game it is focused on the visual design, but the second game is better in every department, which has more details and colors that are practically visible to each scene like art work.
Here are even more happy with your 108 characters’ army construction, which is completely due to the extra depths of each member. Even after many years after the release of the game, it is difficult to get more advantage of how good the game is. If you are an RPG porchist, you will get a lot from this remaster package, but don’t expect much. The double bill makes these classical games very easy, and smooth the general improvement experience. However, beyond the feature of the 108 characters, the games do not feel as revolutionary as they did during the PlayStation period.
Profession: Great Army Building feature, amazing story in other games, amazing visual for sequel
Opportunities: The first game feels disappointing, the features of Remster cannot justify the price
For the fans of: Dragon Quest, final fantasy, Golden Sun
7/10: Very good
Sokoden I and II Remsted March 6, 2025, Nintendo Switch (Version Test), PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | Available for S, and PC. An review code was provided by a publisher. Read a guide here for our review scores.