Sokodon I & II HD Remaster is out tomorrow. I’ll take a review soon, but I wanted to post some fast ideas on the new translation.
“For the original sports, the size of the dialog box was too small and there was nothing in which we could fit there.” Told IGN back to 2022. “The Japanese is a language that can say a lot in a very little place, but in English and other languages, you usually need a lot of space to say the same thing. So in this game we have increased the size of these dialogue boxes, and it has given us more work with Japanese script,”
I could not examine all or even most of the dialogue, rather than occasionally stopping the remost with the footage of the PlayStation. But most of the lines I compared are different. This is an excellent translation, but one who sometimes feels like a cautious style sacrifices the character for it. Considering how difficult these games are legally, my ideal package would be something that preserved the original script in some form.
Sometimes, in the ways, the speech becomes a trick that feels sensible and worthy. Victor’s “Prepare yourself for surprise” now is from Socadon 1 “You might sit for it”. Sometimes, poetry becomes more common. “It’s not like I see my alliance in the stars,” Lynnat tells the hero actually. “Still not based on astronomy,” she says now. Odisha’s “our little newborn hope should be kept alive” Now “the small flame of hope should be kept alive.”
Other changes are more subtle, depending on how much you like that you like the anxiety of Socoden, but there are clear examples of the use of extra space. Instead of telling the hero “I don’t want” to Emperor Barberosa, he can now say “no if I can help him”.
At the time of writing, I just played a bit of Scamoden 2, but every line I compared to the introduction is slightly different. Once again, they attack me as an translator using the extra space mentioned by Dikai to produce more precise lines. Joey’s “me too. I thought about going back to Kiyro and I couldn’t wait to get out of this uniform” Now I have, “In fact, I couldn’t live in this uniform now knowing that we are going to Kiyar’s house.” Luka Blite’s “I wish I was involved in ambush. I had to fight recently. I am the old man. I am rusty” Now “I wish I was ambushed. I just had to fight the stupid old man. I am getting out of practice.”

Since the review is over, I can tell you that I’m spending a beautiful time reviewing two games that are beyond words for me (which is weird because I have to write about them). There are also many features in support of protection: music, cotton, and cinema galleries with conceptual art background. There is no shortage of love or care. Sokodin I Character Designer, who is a real cure for the new portraits of Kavano, is a real treatment. But – speaking purely in terms of protection – is something irreparable about the age of fourteen that responds to the Emperor’s request with “I don’t want”, and I would love to see a original translation menu toggle.
(Yes – dragons still look like elephants.)