I Wonder stopsYou play as the opposite, a fighter who has fallen by grace after losing for the first time in three years. To find herself again and know how she can lose itself, she travels to the jungle in search of master wirers, which she believes is the only one who can help her.

Wonder is a beautiful, funny search of stop burnout pain
Full of amazing characters and tender moments, the wandering stop is happy to play.
Then the upside down was stuck in a clearing inside the forest, where the boroughwonder stopped a tea shop, and the Ulta found himself tea drinking tea for customers who were looking for it. Below, we will make it clear what is clearing and why it will not allow it to go upside down.
Below will be the spoiler for the WonderStop story!
What is clearing?
Clearing is the main setting of the game, where the Wonder Stop Tea Shop is located. Clearing is established inside a mysterious forest that looks like Drain the power of the upsideEventually, it knocks unconscious if it lasts long.
Within the clearing, the wander lives in the stop shop center, and the life of different plants such as tea leaves, mushrooms and some other trees grow nearby. There are some paths scattered around the clearing that leads to the jungle, but each time tries to pass through, eventually it gets back to a bench, its strength is gone.
So, why can’t he leave a clearing? Basically, the forest of clearing is a way of Changing itself on the basis of the mental state of one of his inhabitants; In this case, it is upside down. Due to the self -suspicious and uncertainty of the upside, he is Is mentally unable to proceed with his defeatWhile even Physically unable to leave the vander stop.
Clearing is mainly an area Specifically created for the fitness of the vain; The opposite prevents itself from leaving the jungle until it suffers from his mental turmoil. Especially for the upside, it includes drinking tea for the incoming consumers, which can help them concept the concept of rest and recovery into a series of purposes to be completed.
Although it is explained by Borrow that it is not necessary that everyone has different ways to handle their own emotions.
Each time the upside makes significant progress towards its goal, consumers will stop responding, and it has to consider the shrine. Moving clearing into a new condition. Each time, clearing changes slightly. Different seeds will appear, some things will happen in different places, and the color of the plants will change.
The reason for this is Clearing is a reflection of the mental quality of the upside. When she works towards her healing, clearing compensates for new customers who want different types of tea. Things change places to prevent a sense of pleasure coming up with normal, Which led to the fall of the first place overturned.
In Chapter Three, after recovering the memory of his invading Master Winter, Alta changes the tremendous sense of crime clearing, which gives the plant life of a gray scale, and the only user who arrives never requests tea.
Why do consumers stop talking?
Currently after completing every request for available users, they will Stop responding to AltaInstead, revolving around the clearing until you are ready to move forward by visiting the shrine. It is never clearly said in the game why this happens, but we believe it is related to the procedure for the recovery of the Alt Alta checklist.
When she consciously realizes that she has developed enough, she allows clearing to change slightly, and It does not need previous users anymore. As much as the cruelty seems, these users Were not killed or never existed to start. Rather they are Sent back on your way And the opposite is also able to continue.
In the fifth chapter, withdrawing the parcel will bring you back from Gerald, which appears during the first chapter. This shows that, at least for Gerald, she’s all right, and perhaps her journey to become a night in the jungle.
Why is Borough different?
Unlike other users who are ready to move forward, they lose their ability to speak, not boroughly. He is able to maintain his consciousness because he helps to upside down during his recovery. This means that there are more like them, who are eligible to resist the effects of the jungle, showing a return to the last chapter of the merchant with Nana.
But why is Boro different? It may be a steady reality of the jungle, or maybe it is a statue of some abstract concept that cannot be easily lost.
During the last chapter, the Borooma reminds you to try to be bored, even if they do nothing or do everything until they are tired of it. Boro tells the ulta Being bored is an integral part of lifeAnd it could not do anything all the time, so the upside had lived his life by that time.
In this way, it becomes clear Is necessary for the recovery of Boro UltaWorking as an anti -lifestyle polar. Because clearing reflects the mental quality of the upside, Boro cannot leave clearing until the upside is readySo it is true that he roams for his entire journey to the end.

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