Pokémon Go Ultra League best teams in 2025

by pokogame

Ultra League I Pokémon GoThe Go Butal League and its 2,500 cp have a range of more “regular” Pokemon Spotlight, compared to almost the legendary majority master league and the bottom of the Great League.

In this league, every Pokémon has the opportunity to spill – but that does not mean that the team has some strong recommendations, and some real strategies need to be achieved.

Here are our choices for the best team of the Ultra League, and where the meta is still.

What is the ultra -league meta right now?

Pokémon Go dual destiny promo art

The current dual destiny season (in the picture) is a good time to choose some useful legendary for this league.
Photo: Nantic / Pokémon Co.

After the excitement of the dual destiny season, Pokémon Go Now a thrilling new season is entering the “strength and skill” era, which is already intended to add many powerful pocket monsters to the widespread pond.

Like a lot of great league, Pokémon Go When the new Pokémon is included in the game, or when the tricks are adjusted, the ultra is more sensitive to changing the league, and the latest balance change has really bothered the flap cart, and it has given some forgotten measures and its time to shine Pokémon.

If you have helped in the recent EUIC (Pokémon Europe International Championship) or Vancouver competitions, it is clear that many popular chickens are still doing well. Shadow Drapeian is mostly in the teams, Divagong is still making a name for himself, and you can occasionally expect to collide charging or Emulga with the choice of Ultra League with the choice of Zerin and Zigrard.

Some of the most important changes in this season, which monitors the rating, include tricks like aqua jet, dynamic cartoons, mud, and hex: which have either increased their strength or their energy costs decreased.

Meanwhile, some Pokémon was given some more need for their weapons, especially when combined with some of the aforementioned move.

Just like in the Great League, Leapras and Groupig are the most important advantage of these buffaloes, in which Leapras has acquired a speeding attack science, and the charged moo shining area, which is much better than surf in every way.

Subsequently, both Groupig and Discicveir have access to charged moving cartoon, which helps them to hit both the usual and dark type of pokemon, which can expand their options widely.

Finally, some of the latest Pokémon are still looking for their feet in this bracket, with a constant risk in the form of the Kurok Knight Ultra League. We have to wait and see how things can be changed by the upcoming additions, such as Aroshifo, or other potential future revelations, but even working with the changes we have, this is an interesting time for this league and competitive Pokémon players.

Tips for the Best Team of Ultra League

With the warning that you can struggle to get a couple of legendary Pokémon at the offer here, these Pokémon are our first pick for us Pokémon Go Ultra League:

  • Korwick Knight, Gelceant, and ScalDerge
  • Groupig, Lipras, and Discover

Let’s go through them separately.

Korwick Knight, Gelceant, and ScalDerge

Korwick Knight, Gellsant, and Scalederje in Key Art for Pokémon Go

Photo: Polygon via Nantank/Pokémon Company

There was a time when Scarmori ruled the roast, such as defense, a combination of steel- and flying type gives Pokemon a huge amount of resistance, and even two double resistance. Then came with Korok KnightWhich is improved in almost every way.

There are only two weaknesses in the Korok Knight, they have electricity and fire types. Add it to the tremendous coverage offered by the fast moving sand attack, and its charged moo Sky attack and iron head war power, and Korok Knight are also not offensive.

Steel typing always causes a headache for fairies type of Pokemon, namely, causing huge problems for Pokémon such as Korok Knight Clifible. Flight -type tricks cause major hazards of grass such as viries.

Basically, prepare for the Korok Night, and ideally, bring a Corrok Night.

Next, Gelcent There is a very large Pokémon that can stand up to a lot of common chin. In addition, the amazing buffalo of the move means that the gelceant hites even more hard than ever.

Considering the spread of Korok Knight, many people will definitely bring fire -type Pokémon to fight someone, and there is a gelceant. When it comes to defense statistics, it is an absolute monster, and a one -time surf will ruin your opponent’s day.

With additional coverage of hex and shadow hair, hitting Pokemon like phenolip for extremely effective damage, and Gellson is a great choice on its own, but the mainstay is a real winner along with Korok Knight.

Remember before when I said I prepare for Korok Knight … Rounding this team is one of the latest Pokémon, which is a fire crocodile. ScalDerge. Now, you have to be careful because there are still five weaknesses in this election, but it can really work better at the right time.

With dual fires and past types, Scalederge not only gets the most effective hit films on ordinary pocket monsters like Korwick Knight and Phenolip, which also means that it hates some legendary choices like Cobalin and Verizin.

Make sure to add firearms and torch songs for the damage to the Stab Fire Type, but then Shadow Ball removes the package and that means that Scalederj has raised the opportunity against some other Ultra League bullying, such as Gripgg. Overall, a dangerous choice, but one that works well in this team. In addition, behind the recent Fukuko Community Day, this is a good opportunity that you already have a viable scaleder.

The best move of this team, IVS, and alternative tips:




Charged tricks


Korok KnightFlying/steelSand attackSky Attack/Iron Head0/15/15
GelcentWater/ghostHexSurf/shadow hair0/15/15
ScalDergeFire/ghostBurningTorch song/shadow ball0/15/15

  • Korok Knight replacement: Register, Stelix, and Scumuri
  • Geliant replacement: Lapras, Jeritina (converted), and Derfibalm
  • Skyderge replacement: Tallone Flem, Tortonator, and Serolage

Groupig, Lipras, and Discover

Leapras, Groupg, and Discover in Key Art for Pokémon Go

Photo: Polygon via Nantank/Pokémon Company

Sure, grumpig The most beautiful Pokémon may not appear in the upper part of the list, but at the beginning of the “strength and skill” season, it is a great enemy now a great enemy in the ranks of the Ultra League.

Groupig has recently accessed the Fast Move City View and the Charged Moo dynamic cartoon, which has already extended its aggressive limit. But, adding to this is a huge leather in the dynamic cartoon, which reduced the cost of energy.

Basically, the polite group is at the center of many competitive changes, and now it slaps. Stab Savio is great, the dynamic cartoon kills lapse, and shadow balls removed this package by pressing the phenolip. You depend on whether you prefer attack or bulk, but in any way, it depends on whether you can run shadow or regular grouping.

Like too much gripg, Laparus Anyway, there is a quite solid choice, and one who has seen a significant increase in strength and popularity thanks to the latest changes. Now it also has access to the fast moo science view, but now it also has a charged moving sparking area, which is better than the surf.

Rounding this package is a charged moving ice beam, which means that with the strength of the shining area, Lipras is a wonderful counter of the scalprogery and Verizine. Certainly, the type of dual ice and water means that it is just resistant to other ice and water type tricks, but it has a huge part to help stay in any way.

End, Dosknewer Here is to take the silic. The type of pure past means that the cooner is resistant to routine, fighting, poison, and bug type tricks. This helps ordinary chin -phenylip and dropin wall.

Subsequently, Duskinoare is included in the Pokémon club that not only received but also benefited from changes in the dynamic cartoon, which targets the type of fighting in the dark and normal type of Pokémon where it hurts.

Finally, Shadow Cartoon is just a good move to punish any Pokémon at the other end of your attitude. Here are the lapse and groups considering your fellow colleagues, two of the biggest problems for them are scalprogery and phenylip, and thankfully Discicveir should help wipe them both.

The best move of this team, IVS, and alternative tips:




Charged tricks


grumpigPsychologicalSofaDynamic cartoon/shadow hair0/15/15
LaparusWater/snowSofaShining Area/Ice Beam0/15/15
DosknewerGhostLustfulDynamic cartoon/shadow hair0/15/15

  • Grumpig replacement: Mulmaar, Christilia, and Clifibles
  • Liprus replacement: Gelceant, ferlgatar, and valin
  • Dusknoir replacement: ScalDerge, Renragus, and Jeritina

In summary, the most important thing to remember with the ultra -league is that it has a wider pool of Pokemon, so when the rating is important, do not boxing. Try, discuss, and try your opponent more than anything.

While the Master’s League spreads a maximum of 15/15/15 IV, which you usually do not get much here. For any Pokémon, more than 2,500 CPs, you want to spread 0/15/15 IV for a special reason (search wire ‘0-1attack and 3-4-difense and 3-4HP’). A low attack state allows you to spread the most IV before colliding with the CP cap, as more attacks will attack more than CP. So yes, it may seem intuitive, but the low attack does a great job until the other two figures are pumped into more and more.

Good luck, and a happy battle. If you want some other goat league points, we also have the best recommendations of the league’s best team.

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