If you play your game on the PC, your fingers probably know many shortcuts you use regardless of the game you are currently playing. Particularly such a combination, many of us used and abused them when things get out of the game a bit.
I’m talking, of course, about the ALT-F4, which immediately closes the app and takes you to your desktop. Monster Hunter Wildes, however, may introduce an easy way to prevent you from doing so.
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Of course, no one starts a game with the intention of leaving anger, but I am not ashamed to say that I have used Alt-F4 while playing the first game. Sometimes you are just so sad that you can’t even Imagine just Saving a minute or more, leave in the main menu and get out of your game properly.
The PC has a setting to disable the ALT-F4 force, under the control section in the Monster Hunter Wild Options Menu, under the control section. It is a pity that anti -ridge is not called, but we will take it. When set on, pressing both buttons does not actually close the game, which is a special kind of power about which I didn’t even know individual apps/games that such universal Windows could be more than Windows shortcut.

For your convenience, they also appear in the initial setup of the screen wild, so you can set it up before you make your role. The same screen also has an option to disable Windows, which has become quite standard these days. Now, the only way to get out of the game is to press the physical re -start or power button on your PC case. There is no sequence in the game, with regret, you can’t stop doing so.