Learn How to capture monsters I Monster Hunter Wildes There is a good way to eliminate the fight quickly, and get more rewards in this process.
This is the only option when the monster is nearly dead – which happens when it is the most dangerous. You will have to prepare with some trips and bombs to capture a monster.
You can also occupy small monsters, known as local life.
Ours Monster Hunter Wildes The guide will tell you everything about occupying large and small monsters, and how will the content you need to occupy them.
Update (March 12): More details were added about which monsters could not be caught
Why to kill vs. in Monster Hunter Wilds?
The biggest benefit of catching a monster in the trap is that it Eliminates the fight immediately And much more than the battle of death.
Most of the time, though, you are going to hunt monster for a coach or weapon specific material.
In the field guide, you can test different content that you can meet Avoidable Materials Tab. When you click, you will see a list of percentage and locations. Target Rewards Rewards are at the end of a victim (free from painting), Rewards of broken section You can find when you attack a particular part of the monster, and Painted When you get a monster after you get it, they are three parts. Other prizes that you receive are from the victim – they are Quest Rewards You will see when you go to the Quest counter.
Subsequently, it comes to the target prizes compared to the target prizes. Both murder and arrests will be made, but it really comes down to the time and effort you want to spend on hunting. The victim is eliminated very quickly by capturing a monster And just one net and a pairs of trancy bombs. Killing a monster will cost your time, Pushins and risk you failing. But, A monster is a better chance of collecting (slightly) content by hitting a monster After you (sometimes – generally. Look, mathematics is difficult.)
Some victims will need you Kill out A monster – especially some important and side story questions. Whenever you see the word killing in your goals, trapping them will not work.
When you can occupy monsters in the monsters’ Hunter Wildes?
Technically, You can occupy monsters at any time Monster Hunter Wildes Provided you have the necessary traps – how to look for them. As soon as you can wear a monster, and make trips and trap bombs, you are ready. You do not have to formally “unlock” anything.
That said, you won’t get a Official The pursuit of which includes the occupation of a monster after the role of credit in the main story and you enters the highest position. In this mission, Chapter 4-1 “New Environmental System”, you will find The Tutorial popup for arrest methods.
Again, if you are described below, you can occupy major monsters at any time.
How to catch monsters in Monster Hunter Wildes
Before you can capture a monster, you have to make sure you have traps – like Trauma net Or Goodfall traps – and Tranic Bomb In your item pouch you do not have to add them to your radial menu, but you will have to be able to access them from the item bar.
There are two steps to capture a monster. The first step is to wear a monster and reduce their health until they die nearby. Your Palico can say something like this, “It looks weak! Almost there!” The more reliable gesture occurs when the skull icon appears on your mini -map with their icon.
When the monster is weak, it is time to trap and capture it. Now there are some other steps – laying a net and hitting it with trancy bombs. If the monster is weak enough, one or the other can knock it. If it is still strong, you will need to use both.
Lay a net and take the monster into it. Once it gets stuck, run away and leave some transmit bombs near or near it. When the monster ends, you will receive several rewards for his arrest, just like if you produce his body.
Which monsters cannot be caught, or trap is not exempt?
Something Large monsters Apply vaccinations from the nets you will use the use of them to capture them.
- Ray DaoFor, for, for,. Zoo ShiaAnd Zipperos Cannot be paralyzed by one Trauma net
- Whom the right And Zoo Shia Cannot be trapped by one Goodfall trap
Zoo Shia is the only monster that cannot be caught at all. Once you get trapped, some more will suffer from train bombs.
How to prepare the traps and trancy bombs
To capture a monster, you will have a little job to prepare the items you need. Lets of nets, you will need to buy Trap tools From the supplyer in any base camp.
Items you need to craft include:
- Goodfall trap – 1 trap tool and 1 net (made of 1 IV and 1 Spider web). You can find Ivy in Windord plains and red forests. You need to see the spider’s nets, wherever the spiders are present. You can find something in the red forest, oil well basin and ice shard cliffs.
- Trauma net – 1 trap tool and 1 thunderbug capster. You will collect Thunder Big Capacitors by collecting Thunder Bags. You will only find in the Windord plains.
- Tranic Bomb – 1 Sleep herbs and 1 parachute room. Sleep herbs can be found in wind sweeps plains, red forests and ice sheard rocks. For parachute rooms, all four regions – the Windord plains, the red forest, the oil -wheel basin, and the ice -shard cliffs – they have.
How to get local life in Monster Hunter Wildes
First, know that you can’t achieve any local life Monster Hunter Wildes As long as When you try to meet and turn from the village of YESAI and In Chapter 1. Returning to the base camp in Windord plains, you will meet your first Doshogoma and collect some honey.
When you leave honey at the provisions shop, they will give you the essential things you need: a portable BBC grill (for cooking), fishing stick (for fishing), binoculars, net throwing, knife throwing, paint pod and robbery.
The arrest net is the same after you. Late it on your smell, L, L1/LB, hit the D-PAD, and then move the right thumb stick to the upper right to highlight the net in your essential items.
Once you have Arrest netOccupation of a local life is just a kind of thing and click. When you see an interesting bug or lizard, you just need to be equipped with your arrest trap. The purpose you want to capture. If this is something you can deal with, then the retarded yellow will be orange. You will fired the capture net with R2/RT.
Just make sure that you do not fired Hook Sergeer with Circle/B instead. It will collect the creatures instead of occupying it.
Grip the local life like this you get no content, but it earns you GOLD POINTS That you will use popup camps for things like construction and increasing your hunter’s rating in an advanced way.
Ours Monster Hunter Wildes Guides, before reaching the highest position with our main story walkthrough and monster list, you can help you set up weapons list and the best weapons, and show you how to get ore, bones and bones.