All Spells And How To Unlock Them In Fields Of Mistria

by pokogame

Although it is interesting to know your neighbors, there is more in life in Mistaria. The argument, the best part of it The farm of Mistaria Magic is when you develop through the game, you will help you unlock the new mantra to help with your daily tasks. These are precious tools that can be used a little, because they need to cast a mana.


Fields of Mysteria: How to get the Minon’s Pukex

We cover how to find a miner’s pickens in the fields of Mysteria.

Becoming a farmer is much more than merely planting crops and harvesting crops or raising livestock. We will show you how to unlock every magic in the fields of Mysteria so that you can use them effectively, so that you can help restore Mistaria to its previous glory.

The fields of Mysteria are currently in early access, so the details are subject to changing. We will update our leaders as needed!

On March 12, 2025, refreshed by Zoo J. Osk: We have updated our guide to add the new included dragon’s breath magic, which is further open by developing mines. Be careful when you use it!

How to unlock the magic of complete recovery

The first magic you will unlock is the magic of complete recovery. On Reach the floor ten in minesYou will feel something awake. When you come back to the field and sleep, Calidars will talk to you In your dreams

Here, you will be Access to magic and complete recovery magicWho will do Completely restore your health and ability In exchange for Mana.

It costs A complete orbit of Mana To cast!

How to unlock the magic of Simon Rain

The second magic you will learn is The magic of the summons rainWhich is open after you Break the water seal. After gathering in mines and Offer a ruby, lantern worms, stone loach, and uppermunicles mushroomsThe path will open for you.

This reference will warn the Calidaris, who will Summon reward you with the magic of rain The next time you meet. These Costs a full -fledged varbBut will Seek a short storm of rain It gives water to your entire form. Use it wisely!

You can Change the converted mantra In your journal!

How to unlock the magic of development

The third magic you will learn is the developmentWhich is quite useful for farming. After you will unlock this magic Break the seal of the land After collecting in mines and Offer a sapphire, archer fish, coral Montice, and jade dols At the shrine, the path forward will open.

Calidaris Custom Be awarded the magic of Nim The next time you return to the form. This magic Immediately grows plants In three by three areas, but it Cost two completely Casting you can also use it on plants so that they can immediately increase them to the next tree.

It’s better Use this magic on the first and last days of the season Especially those who continue to grow – especially those who are growing!

How to unlock Dragon’s breath magic

It is First aggressive magic You learn in the fields of Mistaria, and can be used Offer a series of fires on items and monsters For a short time. These Costs two renbs To use it, but when it is quite efficient Used to clean the mines In a hurry

This magic is open after you Break the seal of fire. Floor 60 in mines.

You can also Use this magic to unlock the first inaccessible areasLike a deep forest. Then just cast magic Fire on blocked passes or confused grapes To clear a path and access new areas.


Mistaria fields: How to unlock more animals

Want more animals in the fields of Mistaria? Here you need to do.

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