How To Unlock Every Secret Armor In Monster Hunter Wilds

by pokogame

Why do you hunt monsters? Monster Hunter Wildes? Of course there are the reasons for the story, and those who have been performed for the happiness of the victim. But a lot of time, the reason is that you just need the right material to make the right piece of goods. Most of the weapons and coaches are preaching after specific monsters. However, some are hidden.


Monster Hunter Wildes: Full Decoration Guide

Add more skills to your cut with decoration in Monster Hunter Wilds!

As many monster hunter games are a matter of Games, Wilds have some coaches set that can only be achieved by more unique ways, such as finding rare content or completing some questions. There is no such thing that indicates that these coaches have sets, but we are present to help you find them all.

What are the secret coach’s sets?

They are exactly what they say on the ton. The majority of weapons and coaches are stalled after defeating the monsters, and they mainly need their content to make them. Hidden sets instead of relying on Content you may not even knowAllow complete new sets, unlock. That is why they make them secret.

Even after unlocking a single material They need to be made, they have been added to crafts in Jema’s direction. Just make sure you really remember where you got these items, as it would not be so close to making these complete sets. They also need additional content and in addition to unlocking them, there is only a secret need, though they are relatively more common.

There are some little things like, like Mail and Commakchi devices Which is only open by defeating small monsters. Thus, they are not listed below.

Every secret coach set and how to unlock them

Jema is wearing her springs in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Are a Total 11 Secret Coach Set In the game, each of them closed behind the discovery of a rare item. This means that if you discover this set in the first place, it is partially opportunity. Let’s check them.

Regional organizations as well as death of death, There is also a palico variety.


  • Unlock material – Dolotidon wool
  • Skill – Palico rally levels four, wide range levels, speed food level two, free food levels.

Based on the clothes worn by the uniqueness of the kanafa, it is built all around Food and work with your palico. It can be opened by looking for some deltden wool, which can be achieved through the trade with the trade.


  • Unlock material – Ajuz made leather made of leather
  • Skill – Herox level 3, geology level three, maximum level two.

Based on the clothes of people of Azoz, this dress is everything To be strong and pick up ore It doesn’t matter what you are doing with a little use. You can get the painted leather from trading with any of the traders.


Monster Hunter Wilds with skills and content.

  • Unlock material -Ta textile
  • Skill – Divine blessing level three.

Just a waist coach piece for a swelling set, and it helps that Full Divine Blessings You have a high opportunity to reduce the loss of damage. It is built with the Sja textile, which is derived from the trade with Suja.

s because

  • Unlock material – Sild Cotton
  • Skill – Wide range levels, Botanist level 3.

It promotes that based on the clothes worn in the sail To accumulate from plants while also promoting your limits arms. It’s about maintaining its distance, just as it is. It is built with Saled Cotton, which is found in trading with the people of the Seld.

The odor of death

  • Unlock material – Monitoring cloth
  • Skill – Anger levels five, ambush level three, surprising resistance level two, intimidation level two.

The armor returning from the previous games, the odor of death allows you to do the death clothes. It comes with the abundance of useful abilets and is Made from the malicious Dress. It is derived from a material recovery in Kohfa, or trades with Kanfa or Woodwoods.


  • Unlock material – Great horn Fly
  • Skill – Constitution level five, window level five children, Extendant level three, level two, rehabilitation speed level two.

Coat itself in the wings of the butterfly with this set and Great skill of surviving. It requires a great horn fly to prepare, which can be found by many different traders, mainly by Woodwoods.

King Beetle

  • Unlock material – Great horn Fly
  • Skill – Herox Level Five, Ferre Level Three, Flair Level Two, Poison Resistance Level Two, Stroke Resistance Level Two, Sleep Resistance Level One.

If the butterfly is not in line with your tastes, try to become a heavy armored burning instead. It is a lot of attention to this Aggressive skillsAnd with big hornfills, they are also open and prepared.

High metal

  • Unlock material – Drareset Scrip
  • Skill – Iron skin levels three, stun resistance levels three, blood flow resistance level three, explosion resistance level three, part breaker level three, flunch -free level three, bumbarader level three, aquatic/oil movement levels.

The high metal set is about seeing the world in the eyes and being fully indifferent, while using your weight weight Make the breaks of the monster even more easier. This requires Dreysset Scrip to make it. This fire is different from the driercet from the Aspiring Festival, and instead is a random thing obtained from the material recovery in the oil well basin.


  • Unlock material – Stripped Scale
  • Skill – Marathon Runner Level Three, Bungal Resistance Level Three, Item Prolonger Level Three Three, Free Eating Level Three, Constitution Level Two, Sleep Resistance Level Two, Bind Resistance Level Two, Stamina Surge Level Two.

The set of war is about to continue to you, whether it be, whether it be Promoted the stamina Or a food that lasts forever. It is made from a scales scales, which is derived from the material recovery in Sja.


  • Unlock material – Great Habibsx
  • Skill – Tool specialist level three, maintenance levels three, maintenance speed level three, survival specialist level three, mushrooms level three, poison resistance level two, levels of stroke resistance two, blood flow level two.

After a plant, the style is about one with a festival set. Mushrooms can be eaten uprightAnd you are more faster than ever before. This is open with Great Hebbuschus, which is a material recovery.


Buy a silver egg from Santiago from a supply ship in Monster Hunter Wilds.

  • Unlock material – Commission tickets
  • Skill – Extractor Level Five, Divine Blessing Level Two, Quick Sheet Level Two, Maximum Level Level, Toll Specialist Level One, Air Plugs Level One.

Commission Set, Monster Hunter World After Styled, Many Skills Skills To Offer You A lot of utility in fighting. This is one of the most difficult to unlock. This requires commission tickets, which will be collected in the inventory of the ship whenever Windord arrives in the plains. You just have to wait for it to appear, or select any miscellaneous or equipment content to provide a slightly more likely possibility of appearing.


Monster Hunter Wildes: How to get to Wearnproot

Death Monster Hunter is a natural part of the Wilds, and you will need to hunt many monsters to get some vowel propert.

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