City Car is a project of driving forward development Limited, which has been released on steam. This is his first serious task, which shows a huge promise… but not without barley. Let’s take it step by step.
The CCD is a slightly clumsy but expensive driving simulator, which aims to teach players how to drive a car and comply with traffic rules. It offers both free driving and carrier mode works on large maps. You have different cars that are in your control and have many opportunities to improve your abilities behind the wheel.
City Car Driving Free Steam Account
Game graphics leave a lot to be desired. They are so outdated that it looks like the developers sent us on time – somewhere in 2007, and far from the best moments. If this was a retro stylization, this approach may be justified, but everything here seems old. No environment, no pleasant visual-just slow low resolution texture, angular model and clearly poor lighting. It is worth noting that even at the time of release in 2016, the graphics looked very old, and in 2019 (the relevant date of the time) they look completely sad. Some mobile games that easily run on budget smartphones manage to improve the image. At the same time, the game, even on a powerful PC, manages to be left behind and frozen in extremely unexpected moments. It seems that the correction is just absent as a class.
If you are afraid of graphics, you should mentally prepare yourself mentally, because here is even worse. For a simulator that claims to be at least somewhat realistic, physics development is a key factor. But here it is not just there. There is practically no difference between a passenger car and a multi -ton truck. Cars behave on the road as if they were sticking to the Asphalt with Supergel. Remember the old parts of the GTA – for example, the third. The feeling of control here is the same: the twist immediately, without scadd, without weight distribution, and when the brakes, the car does not hide its nose. It seems that you are not running it, but just moving the cursor to the entire screen. If we talk about realism, then riding on a stool with a sauce pan lid as a steering wheel in childhood, this “simulator” felt much better driving.
There is an opinion that car simulators can help learn the basics of driving or at least provide the basic understanding of the physics physics. But not in this matter. Even if you connect the steering wheel and the pedal, the feelings are far from the reality. The car is clearly controlled, the weight is not transferred, the grip on the road is known as artificial. If you want to master the basics of driving, it is better to focus on proven simulators that really convey car feelings. And this game can only teach you patience and humility before the flaws of this world.
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Artificial Intelligence: Chaos instead of realism in city car driving
The artificial intelligence of the game is something else. You think its chaos will increase realism because of its unexpected potential, but in practice, the opposite. The boats do fully irrational work: they brakes in highly unexpected places, enter traffic, and usually treat as if they were planned to eliminate all organisms. Instead of imitating real drivers, they resemble the broken robot that they forgot to test before being released. This is not realistic – it’s wounded on the streets.
Another minus is a lack of common loss system. Certainly, after a serious hit, the car is somehow damaged, but it seems so artificial that it will be easier to eliminate this “feature” altogether. Even the least scratches and small tents make the picture more reliable, but they are not here. It is clear that CCD is not a racing simulator, and no one needs a complicated model of physical damage. But it’s a game about learning to drive a car! You learn, try to practice, make mistakes – it is logical that some results should remain. Dinned in a crab and destroyed? Where is the scratch? A pole hook? Why does the body feel like the service has already been straightened? What is in the game is not a realistic loss system, but rather a “chewing” structure that appears where it is.
Now let’s move towards things that are grossly disturbing. For example, traffic lights. It looks like a simple thing, but there is still difficulty in the game. Imagine a situation: You stop at a crossroads and wait for a green light. But here’s the problem-you can see it in only one case: if you go to the third person’s view. There is no copy of traffic lights in the game, which usually occur on the top or on the side. But what would happen if I just wanted to play from the cabin like the reality? Where is the chance to see the least? If the CCD really tries to be a simulator, such things should be kept in mind.
In addition, there are many other strange moments in the game that seriously affect realism.
- Inadequate work of the camera. Do you want to turn your head in the cabin? Ready for fast and uncomfortable movements that interfere with help.
- Lack of minimum facilities. Most simulators have a sharp look function that allows you to see in the right direction with one click – it’s not here.
- Car irrational behavior. You can comfortably drive in your lane, but suddenly the boot decided that it needed to be crashed immediately, even if there was an empty road ahead.
- Difficulty in road infrastructure. In some places, the marks are nowhere, and the signs are planted in such a way that it is impossible to read them.
As a result, a game that could have been a great simulator suffers from a group of shortcomings. Artificial intelligence acts like crazy, the damage system is just nominal, and interfaces and cameras increase headaches. And although many things can still be attributed to the features of engine or balance, straight insects and pains are clearly needed. The game may be good in terms of concept, but in terms of implementation, it is clearly decreased by Polish.
City car driving – a bunch of rare benefits and disadvantages – we analyze details
If you look closely, it becomes clear: This is not a fully manufactured product. However, you can close your eyes on it – however, this is the first instructor simulator, you can give it a chance to develop… but not. If you have been in the sports world for a long time, then look at screenshots, you will immediately recognize the 2008 good 3D instructor. Yes, yet it was not shining with graphics or physics, but it took something else – a new gameplay element for this gender, driving education. However, if you tell the truth, what kind of training is this? The game mostly records traffic violations, but does not explain what you have done. If you can do it yourself.
As a result, under the “new game” indications they are trying to sell us an ancient simulator with minimal changes. And everything will be fine, but for this happiness they ask for US $ 15.
- There is some training gameplay (though it is difficult to call it a complete instructor simulator).
- If you summarize all opportunities, you can entertain.
- Outdated graphics, as if from the early 2000s.
- Physics are nothing, cars behave like rubber dummy.
- The interface is so funny that it looks like it was made on an old smartphone in a free editor.
- There is no training here – the game does not teach any theory or action. Want to learn how to drive a car? Read the rules of traffic, enter a real car (not alone) and practice.
City car driving system requirements
How to Play Driving City Car Free on Steam by VPESPORTS
If you want to feel that you are behind the wheel in a realistic simulator City car driving, but you are not yet ready to buy the game, no matter! Our website has an easy and easy way to access the game for free. We offer shared steam accounts to users where City Car driving is already installed and ready to run.
To follow the virtual wheel, just go to the VPesports website and register quickly – it will not take more than a minute. After logging into your personal account, see the free steam account section. There you will find City Car driving in easily available sports. After choosing a game, go to its review page – we have developed a simple button exclusively, which will allow you to receive detailed and clear instructions about starting playing free free.
By the way, your opinion about our studies and instructions is very important to us! So, when you try the game, make sure to write about your comments in comments. All reviews are checked by moderators, so try to make the comments friendly and interesting. As soon as it is approved, you will immediately receive the account details on the email mentioned during the registration.
We also have friendly Telegram Channel, where new free games appear every day and any questions are resolved quickly Supportive Service subscribe to new products and the latest with the updates of City Car driving, as well as subscribe to seek immediate help if something goes wrong.
If a sudden difficulty or questions arise during the game installation, don’t worry – especially for you we have developed a detailed guide “how to play for free”. It will be even easier to find out!
What is the City Car driving?
City Car Driving is an educational driving simulator that challenges players to learn the basic driving skills and to follow the custody rules.
Is the City Car Drying Suitable for Learning Real Driving Skills?
No, despite the realism described, the game does not convey the realistic feelings of the car. The simulator makes the physics and behaviors of cars very easy and they do not reflect real driving.
How realistic are the graphics in City Car driving?
Graphics in the game are very old and reminded of sports since the early 2000s. Textures, models and lighting are significantly inferior to modern standards.
How does artificial intelligence behave in the game?
Artificial intelligence behaves in chaos and unexpected. Boats can suddenly brake, drive a car in the coming lane or cause accidents for no reason.
Does City Car Driving have a complete system of car damage?
No, there is no complete loss system. The damage is represented by superficial and unrealistic textures that appear after the collision and look extremely artificial.