How The Tome Of Want Works In Destiny 2: Heresy

by pokogame

A new prize structure has been added Destiny 2

Religious event is called the Tom of Want, this strange device can be used to give rise to powerful rituals that give awards to seasonal gear, crafts content, and even foreign -India. This craft is not as powerful as it is, but the desired Tom makes it easier to pursue your interested objects.


Destiny 2: Every new weapon in the episode: Innovation

From Pelndroom to Fat Berninger, every new and back weapon here is: Religious.

But before you can start farming for these items, you have to raise your hand on the required tum first. In this guide, we go on how to work, how to get it, and brief its scriptures and formal mechanics. Explain.

Through Charles Burger, Refreshing on March 14, 2025: Now that the Act 2 is over, we now know how to open the other sampling Perk bonus with the desired. We have updated this guide to briefly describe the mastate system connected to the slab -connected slab for unlocking a new prox bonus for seasonal samples.

What is the desired Tom?

Destiny 2 Tom desired

The wanted Tom is the source of the basic reward for Hersey. This device allows you to target seasonal and formal rewardsHow to do

Tonks worked in the Revenant.
. But unlike the tank system, the tom of the tom of want allows for adjustment in more granular rewards Scriptures It can be a socket inside the tum. If you have played during Farskin, the Tom of Wash Incolus works similarly with forty.

When this season’s vendor reaches the R3 with the slab, you will have access to the desired tum. You can access Tom from your Character Menu Inventory tab, Which is the place where your tonks are eaten. Inspect Tom to start a formal process.

Scriptures and rituals

Sutts in your desired Tom will start to socket A Formality. All the content you run.

Wangord Ops, Distress, and Setira – will gradually produce formal energy. Once it is completed, the desired Tom will automatically produce your rewards And use your socket scriptures.

Of course, you will need the scriptures installed before the tum of the awards for anything. Scriptures come in two forms: category and editors. Category Determine what kind of reward you will earn, such as a weapon or piece of coach. Editors The exact prize you get affects. For example, if you give a reputation to the climate of climate, you will be able to edit which seasonal weapons you will find.

The destiny of the foreign scripture 2 Tom

There are also scriptures of one -time use in the drainat. You will usually find them in the breasts. Socketing these foreign scriptures in your desired will eliminate your category prize with something different, such as a climbing shard or a foreign anagram.

Unlocking new tum engraving

Destiny 2 Tom engraving

Like the previous season, the methods of the religions can be further enhanced through the desired tum. Although a ritual is active, your desired Tom will increase all sample methods selected on your Tom Pacific Grid. This painting will be inactive when you develop through different tracks of different slabs.

Tom Masters

Slab pillar forming destiny 2

Unlike most shopkeepers, the maker can change its reward track based on the selected discipline of your Guardian. When you enter the Irsus apartment, they will become a pillar with the slab vendor. If you have launched Act 2, you will have access to the other skill type: ambitions skills. It completely changes the slab’s prize path, which opens the new Erit Fact passage for the desired Tom.

If you want to maximize your desire, you will need to classify your maximum formation slab. There are a total of three masters, two of which are worth the Act 2:

  1. Determination skills: Unlocks the default arc and false facilities.
  2. Skills in ambitions: Open in Act 2.


Destiny 2: Each method of getting a high -ranking armor

Use these points to get a high state coach with the best estate distribution.

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