All DEAD LETTER DEPT. endings and how to get them

by pokogame

Make it out of the outside Dead letter department. When examining your humanity is a difficult task when an invasive company goes through the cold throat of your keyboard, but can you achieve the goal that protects you from becoming the next host?

With Six possible ends And how to get them is not given, to dive into it Dead letter department. In the hopes of escaping this mysterious valley, unlocking all the ends and achievements, you can feel powerless as our main character. Therefore, we have a full end guide to help you while working time Dead letter department.

How to unlock all dead letters to the department. Termination

1) occupation

All DEAD LETTER DEPT. endings and how to get them
Blind followers. Screenshot by DotSports

The default bad end Dead letter department. Your typing skills are determined. As you played in the whole game without a path, stayed on the goals and orders given to you, The main character must complete the final command to give his body and soul to the client. Like signing an agreement with the devil, you feel compelled to type what you have in front of you, the same thing you are doing from the beginning. By completing this frequent continuity of words, the main character is eaten by the client, he becomes a host, where his fingers are bent and curved, and frightens others around him.

2) extinguished

While looking for a torn lens inside the red room in the dead letter department
Is it too late to be too late? Screenshot by DotSports

This is the second default bad end if you played Dead letter department. However, the difference is to fail the final task. You need Deliberately let the timer end at the end of the gameIgnore the desire of a malicious entity for your mind, body and soul. Instead of giving yourself a client, your screen cracks, the game crashes, and the quenching appears when you keep launching again Dead letter department. Who knows what happened to the main character, because your vision only shows a scandalous red square. Perhaps this is the best left of a fate.

3) sunshine

Given the mysterious letter on this, with its striped, the dead letter department addressed the data correction officer.
A letter that resembles the rotating world Dr. Calgary’s Cabinet. Screenshot by DotSports

Good end of a full play throw is difficult to get the sun if you don’t know what you are looking for. You need to redirect two letters in your apartment. Address can be learned by looking at the letter near the sink at the kitchen counter in the first session. Write it, like The address is always developed. The purpose is to find three specific letters that appear in the second and third sessions.

These letters you are looking for are they Addressed the data conversion officer (Or especially – you). Naturally, you would like to type it and send it, thinking that this is the right thing, but your purpose is to redirect to your home address through a billing address on the letter given within your apartment. Is the first letter Covered in stripesAlways spread in the last row between the end of your shift within the second session. After redirecting it, reach the third session and find letters on the entrance of your apartment.

No Dead Letter Department 4400 Building Outside Apartment Complex
Don’t forget to leave the letter. Screenshot by DotSports

Leave it 4400 building on Dorchuster Avenue. This building is on the left of the apartment complex when you leave for work. You need to communicate with the door and choose Insert the envelope into the mail slot.

Seeing a mark with a center circle in another circle in the dead letter department
Remember, if there is a mark, turn the letters to double check. Screenshot by DotSports

The second letter usually spreads towards the beginning of the third session, where the strange stripes will once again appear, which address you. Send it to your apartment again and read it before starting the session for (before working). This will tell you to find a specific mark sealing the next letter, as it will not be addressed to the Data Conorrision Officer, as the last two were. Make sure you Leave this envelope on the same building (4400) which you visited before starting the session three.

Always focuses on the letter you need D Aniel C Arra Afraeus Session on five

A Red computer screen that has a distorted message written: Flag Mail for Destroy? In the Dead Letter Department
Eliminate the nightmare. Screenshot by DotSports

Redirect you from session five to final letter (at the end of the first row). Talk with it at the beginning of the final session (Day six) to get a USB drive. Play through the game as you will usually do, but this time you should enter the USB when you point. When the task of handing over your soul is assigned, you should instead Delete Ctrl + to destroy the mailDisappointing the client, forming the host, and reveals you by eliminating the sunlight.

4) withdrawn

See the apartment Complex Corridor down with a torn vision in the dead letter department
A isolated result. Screenshot by DotSports

Play the game usually until you reach the fourth session. Around the fifth row you’ll get one Torn letter Where you should type on the right side of the paper. Inserting any part of it will reset the text box. The room around you will return to the computer as it is in the dark. Here, an eight -minute timer begins, which shows that you have a little time to complete all the other rows for the session. But Get the end to you you need to fail by purpose, so Let the timer end.

Continue games Dead letter department. Unless you reach the next session, look for the next strange letter that causes another power outage. This is included Changing similar letters similar to a captcha. Again, Let this timer endThe game is running in the background as the second stage of this end. After failing in this second time, the game crashed, and forced you to go back to the desktop. Re -launching will show your main character that the vision has now been broken, as if we have become a broken computer screen. It is like an end, because it is clear that the main character has hurt the client.

5) fired

This is the easiest end of this to achieve as you just need Send each letter with a address in your apartment In the first session you can learn your apartment address by referring to the billing address written on the next letter of the kitchen sink. Redire all the letters to your apartment and go to another session. You will receive notice that you have been dismissed, and will end you.

6) bombs

A close -up of the suspicious package in the dead letter department.
Who is not suspicious. Screenshot by DotSports

This end Lo You, you have to find Delicate parcelWhich can appear in your third or fourth shift as a data converter officer. Although it seems to be the first innocent, it stands because of the package instead of the letter, which is suspiciously covered in tape and read a note with eight stamps that “do not X -ray, do not tap.” The package has been addressed to one of the chief executive manager or operations manager. Who is addressed and what it says on whether you have sent the data reform officer on the session three on the posts on the session three.

Instead of writing address, you must Send it to your apartment. Like the other end, you can find your billing address through the letter in your kitchen. It will always spread here, but it is better to learn it on your first day so that you don’t need to find it at the beginning of every shift.

Remember that your address has been prepared in accordance with, so input it cannot be correct here to input what you used in the previous play Throw. Redire the package, complete your shift, and arrive the next day, find a parcel at the front door. Talk and select Yes – open the package To achieve the sixth and last end Dead letter department.

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