Most Adorable Archetypes In Yu-gi-oh!

by pokogame

UG Oh! TCG has no card style limit that it can print. In the early days of dual monsters, many monster were based on Egyptian myths, while more advanced cards influenced the genre or even Alice in Wonderland. With a lot of clean monster designs, it surprises you which is the most beautiful U-G-oh! Archaeological all the time?


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Not every monster looks terrible. In fact, some are grossly dear because of their design or their own. These archaeologists are so dear that you do not want to see them on the tomb. Now that means.



Adopt the cat

Pureley is a beautiful archeology because of its two major monsters. They are pure and clean, who are just two cats waiting to be adopted. After finding you on the streets, the entire archaeological spells revolve around giving clean memories.

These memories include food, bathing, or playing freely. With this, they can be developed in strong shapes with the extra deck whose memories have given you, determining what they are capable of. This archeology turns the U-G-oh! In a peting simulator.



An imaginary world of deserts

Medulich is an advanced deck, not on a competitive scale but on cleverness. These monster lolita combine fashion with different sweets from kheer to Terramiso. They also have names that often work as a punishment for their inspiration.


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The archaeological cards include Medulich Hotkek, Medulich Queen Tiramiso, and Medulich Angeli. Although not the strongest deck, it can be played coincidence with its best resource recycling mechanics. Some decks are very cute to put down, and Medulich are one of them.



Lovers of Halloween are happy

Ghostrix is ​​the first archeology when you think about Yu Gie Oh! And Halloween. Every monster card inside the set is influenced by some classic monster in our own history. You have found a phantom from epidemic, wolves, and even bloody Mary.

Ghostrix also offers a naughty game style that is in accordance with them. They like to turn the face while in the field, such as a jump scare, when they eliminate different effects. This means that your opponent’s deck can mean that the cards that are milling, directly attack, or face your opponent’s monsters.



Melphy melt your heart

Melphy cards are utterly cute. This pasteful creature is nothing but monster, and their mantra reflects their playful nature. However, they are here to spend a good time, such as playing, hiding and searching, or staring.


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Their additional deck members usually consist of different milestones instead of a large monster. From small horses to friendly people, your opponent will have to have a real monster to destroy any of these cards, let them send them a cemetery.



A showbunker for U-J-oh!

More behind you will go to UG-oh! History, the more monster becomes the card. However, there is especially a card that has always been cute since the era of dual monsters. Thanks to the display of various mobile phones, Keriboa has been strengthened as beautiful.

As an archaeological, the closest thing Caribova is U-J-Oh! Is for a Pokchu type of showbunker. Coriboah also has different versions of itself, usually in clothing or under a different name. Some of the most famous for its role in GX mobile phones are Wingad Keriboh.



Batterix Potter meets U-G-oh!

Varnosilef looks like something straightforward from the stories of the batterix potter about animals in clothes. However, they are equivalent to old stories about fairies that look at nature. As seen in the artwork, fairies changed other animals by giving the halls over their heads to honorary animals.


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It also reflects their play style as they may be used to bow other monsters within their archeology or if they have the attribute of the earth. It is a small archaeological, but the art style is the most beautiful in the whole game.


Rescue Squad

Animals for rescue

If a beautiful archaeological impact on the meta, these are the rescue squad animals. These monster are all similar to small animals such as hamsters, rabbits and ferries, and they have the ability to ask for more monsters from the deck.

One of the most famous monsters in this archeology is a rescue rabbit, which has been sprinkled in different decks in U-J-oh! Date of riding history with content. The Rescue Squad is a classic archaeological that has been helped by them. They are just here to help win the game.



Jellyfish can also be cute

The last thing you want is to stick through jellyfish. In fact, if you see that your opponent removes any of these cards from their hands, it usually means bad things for you. However, when you look closely at these monsters, they are actually dear.


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Promote your deck with these additions to darkness.

There are only three monster in this archeology, but each brings its taste. The moles are a cat, Folis is based on birds, and Porolia is a true jellyfish. Even their eyes are bigger in your soul.



Show must go

Perfraumps consist of animals and clowns that are here for entertainment. From bird songs to hip hippos, there are many dear monster in this archeology. However, these cards can also be powerful in the correct meta.

In the past, they have been used to break the field with monsters through the expansion Kambus and Pandolum summons. So their play style fits the theme so well. Think of their scroll as a crowd of their performance and monsters who seek the pendant as their last encroach.



Can be cute or odd

Flophil Archie Type is affected by many plush toys that you can find inside the toes machines. These are all animals that are with the wings that look soft from the throat. The ridiculous thing about this beautiful archeology is that it can be made to crawl with the help of Edge Empire.

The reason for this is to combine the flavors, and if they fuse with some Edge Employer monsters, they become frightened. This makes it fatal and difficult to get rid of the destruction of the war or from many attacks.


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