When Warhamer 40,000: Space Marine 2 launches back in 2023, it felt as if everyone and his mother was suffering the oppressors in the name of the emperor. The shooter of the third person of Saber Interactive appealed to the cross over, as if no one had compromised before-you could jump and be a victim of explosion, whether you had never heard of 40k or your wallets were already watching valuable small paints with slavery.
Low obstruction of admission reflects sales. 4.5 million and counting, read ‘them and Row – And now, confirm this Waharmar 40: 000 Space Marine 3 is already in progress. According to John Burt, CEO of Publisher Fox Entertainment, when will we really see Space Marine 3, but we know that it will come up with a “great campaign, a multi -player format, and innovation that will renounce the standards of the third person’s action games”.
Although neither the campaign nor the multi -player can be surprised, I am interested in seeing how Space Marine 3 will “make its field” new “. However, Space Marine 2 was simple by design. This hoard physics, over life levels, and a half -cutting of strangers are straightforwardly promoted to sensation because you are really big. It is difficult to portray any greatness that is in accordance with it – but if Saber wants to make the space marine a household, it can do less work by repeating the pre -existing things.
Is assuming your
Space Marine 2 is suffering from its success. Tribals, Sky Weapons, who spend the majority of the game by thousands of people, lend themselves extraordinarily to the Interactive Hord Technology. The clutters of chaos, which were later introduced in the campaign, do not fit at all. Where there is the most part of the number of power, chaos avoids much individual risks. It is not as fun to evacuate a clip of boltagen in the same gonorrhea space marine as to fire in the same amount of ammunition with 100 crowded tyrants – even if you are only in danger, this is not the case. Feel It’s like
This is a problem I picked up with the game director Dmitry Gregorneko, who surprised me, agreeing to criticize. “I have the same ideas,” he said, “he said, before pointing to the 2011 space Marine, when he moved to chaos from fighting ARCs. They shared, “We fell into a trap.” “Even though we knew that was about to happen, we fell into the trap.”
When the team realized that it was repeating history, it was too late to change anything. But this is something that Gurgurkano intends to advance future plans. “When we tried to do our best, I don’t think we have done a good job in the end,” Gregorneco confessed. “But maybe next time.”
Space Marine 3 is an opportunity to practice it. Although it is difficult to predict what the third entry will throw at us, I have found some ideas. Nicron (unpaid skeleton for the ancient skeleton robot Warriors) was too tossed at the closing level of Space Marine 2, because of the twisting of the plot that we were fighting on one of the many tombs on which they hybrid. They would make a wonderful enemy’s make, because many of their technology also eclipse Imperium, but with the same problem, they will come up with the problem as they are not groups like Tilands or Arx.
This lonely does not reject their appearance (nor are it-nicron red), but it raises the question of where the hoard combat fits. Saber is an option to run it back with ARC-Finally, I don’t play a huge part of the fans there-but I would love to see that it would like to see it to deal with the search for Norgal’s goods that I like to see it to deal with Norgal’s places. Which can convert the entire planets into zombie. But if we add pairs with a group that is strongly strong, we have returned to the square One.
This is a difficult situation – but if Saber is serious about innovation, this is the same thing I hope to deal with Space Marine 3. Saber’s CEO Matthew Kach has said that the studio “will take all our education and apply them in even bigger and more amazing games,” I hope the developer will have some other ideas from Zombie’s sole advice.
I still don’t know whether it is enough to “new description” to the third person’s action genre, and I don’t Completely Learn what it will mean in practice. But for Space Marine 3, the Very will be very few (I say, no one wants to work) for taking their predecessor in their timer area). In the 40K Imperium, innovation is considered as forbidden and innovation – but to improve one of the decade The best shooterI am Sure The emperor will not mind.
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