Looking for a different day?
For your time zone every day a new NYT connection puzzle appears – which means some people are always playing ‘today’s game’ while others are playing ‘tomorrow’. If you are looking for Monday puzzle instead of Then click here: NYT Contacts indicators and answers Monday, March 17 (Game #645).
Good morning! Let’s, NYT’s smart word game, play contacts that challenge you to group answers in different types. This can be difficult, so read if you need contact indications.
What should you do after an ending? Why, play some other word games of course. If you also need help for these people, I have also found daily indicators and answers and quarter indicators and answers articles, while the Mark’s Wrald Today Page covers the original viral word game.
Spilller Warning: Information about NYT connection today is below, so don’t read it if you do not want to know the answers.
NYT contacts today (Game #646) – Today’s words
Today’s NYT is the words of contacts …
- Bugger
- Bother
- Only
- Beating
- Polyns
- Special
- Deer
- Willing
- Unique
- Sheep
- Squid
- Angry
- Rats
- Versus
- Notable
- Crab
NYT contacts today (Game #645) – indicated #1 – group indicators
What are some indicators for today’s NYT connection groups?
- Yellow: One of a kind of
- Green: European
- Blue: Looks like a
- Prolling: Something seems different from one
Need more clues?
We are now firmly in the spoiler area, but read if you want to know what are the four theme answers for today’s NYT connection puzzles…
Today NYT Connection (Game #646) – Indicated #2 – Group Answers
What are the answers to today’s NYT connection groups?
- Yellow: Unusual
- Green: German words
- Blue: most animals are similar to their sole forms
- Purgoni: Most words that are very different from their sole forms
Well, the answers are below, so don’t scroll any more if you don’t want to see them.
NYT contacts today (Game #646) – Answers
Answers to today’s contacts, Game #646, …
- Yellow: Unusual Remarkable, single, special, unique
- Green: German words Angry, die, kinder, versest
- Blue: most animals are similar to their sole forms Deer, sheep, shrimp, squid
- Purgoni: Most of the words that are very different from their sole
- Form Dice, lice, mice, bulls
- My rating: Difficult
- My score: 2 errors
The only way to describe today’s contacts is meding.
I woke up through groups of yellow and green, thinking that “it can’t be as straight as it can be only German words”. Extraordinary was equally irrational. But then I hit the wall.
Before I finally realized that the contacts were abundant, I initially thought it should be something unique to the animals, so I put crabs, squads, lice and mice together, thinking that they all have a flexible body or something else. Yes, to a considerable extent, I was arriving.
Then, when I realized that it was about linguistics, I still didn’t get it fully and did not include lions instead of deer.
As it was (I would argue that the bulls are not different from the bull) I appreciate how the only and died (the only) was in this puzzle.
How did you do today? Tell me in the comments given below.
Total’s NYT Connection Answers (Monday, March 17, Game #645)
- Yellow: fantasy Fiber, stand, string, thread
- Green: Belle -stop To abandon, freed
- Blue: Type truck Dump, garbage, monster, pickup
- Purple color: Band to number five Ben Folds, Jackson, Marvin, MC
What is NYT connection?
NYT contacts through the New York Times are one of the growing Word Games. It challenges you to find groups of four items that share something jointly, and each group has a different hard level: green easy, yellow slightly hard, blue often hard and purple color is usually very difficult.
In addition, you do not need to technically a final solution, as you will be able to respond to the elimination process. What’s more, you can make four errors, which gives you a little breathing room.
However, this is much more than anything like a wrand, and there are many sports opportunities you have to travel with tricks. For example, look for homophones and other literal games that hide the answers.
It’s worth the game for free NYT Games site On a desktop or mobile.