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Find out about the need to learn how to play Freepic with a controller here.
While we are still waiting FreepicThe release of the console, you may be wondering if you can play with the PC with a controller. Find out all of you to find out about the controller support here.
Can you play Freepic with a controller?

Yes! Freepic Will be issued Consoles In the near futureAnd PC release has implemented a completely controller support. Therefore, you will easily play with your choice of controller. I recommend connecting your controller to the game before linking your controller to ensure that the game is link. If you have a problem with getting a game to identify your controller, try to confirm your game files in the Steam Library.
The game has a lot of customized controller settings so that you can compromise it according to your preferences. In particular, you would like to find the sensitivity that is suitable for your gameplay. Although it is great to get the support of the controller as an option, it is worth noting that the players who are maintained with the keyboard and the mouse will have a more significant benefit from the controller players in the lobby. Therefore, make sure that the Shards collision is confident of your abilities before committing a switch for chaos and rating.
All Freshpank default controller settings and buttons mapping
These default settings are listed with both Xbox and PlayStation Controller input. You may feel free to adjust these settings unless you know that you feel the most natural for your play style. However, I advise you Enable the purpose of aid Because it helps keep things the mouse and keyboard players related, and you are at a significant loss without it.
- Converter: On the bottom Dad
- Reload: X / Square
- Skill 1: LB / L 1
- Skill 2: RB / L 2
- Map: Menu button
- Top: LB / L 1
- Downward side: rb / r1
- Weapons Inspection: Left on the Dad
- Fire: RT / R2
- Purpose: LT / L2
- Jump / Walt: A / X
- Sprint: Click Left Stick / L3
- Croch: B / Circle
- Talk
- Emot Wheel: On the right de Pad
- Ping: on the dad
- Push to Talk: Click Right Stick / R3
- Switch Renjed Weapon: Y / Triangle
- See sensitivity: 0-10
- Ult Camera Y-Axis: Off/Off
- Camera sensitivity: Customs, Customs per Optic ADS sensitivity, standard
- Advertising controller sensitivity multiply
- See input curve: 0-2
- Movement Stick Dedson: 0-1
- View Stick Dedson: 0-1
- Delay in the rampup: 0-3
- Turning the ramp up in most of the time: 0-3
- Turning additional yo (not intended): 0-3
- The turning of additional pitch (not purpose): 0-3
- Turning the additional yo (purpose): 0-3
- Turning the extra pitch (purpose): 0-3
- Cursor sensitivity: 0-4
- Controller Vibration: Off/Off
- Controller Purpose Help: On/Off
Publication: March 17, 2025 01:02 Evening