How To Complete Happy Haven Days In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

by pokogame

Happy Happy Haven Day is a very short event that happens in Hello Kitty Island Adventure To celebrate the International Day of Happiness, which takes place on March 20 every year. It just makes sense that this event is celebrated on a friendship island!


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Full Leader for Annual Events

Hello Kitty Island Adventure has many events. Here, you can learn about them all!

In this guide, we will take a look at the need to know about the Happy Happy Havenly Dees event in the Hello Kitty Island Adventure. It will cover all possible rewards along with the unique item. Overall, this event is quite short, so make sure to log into the game and take part in it before it is finished!

When is the Happy Haven Day event?

Hello Kitty Island Adventure a player near Kiosk for Happy Happy Haven Day.

This year, Haven Haven Dis From March 17 to March 24. The first time you are logged into the game during this event, a short cottage will start with several residents. This means that you will not mistakenly lose the incident.

The event itself is Found on the right side of the Resort Plaza, In the past where the spring time is celebrated (these events will happen at the same time). You will know when you will arrive at the location, because there will be a In the sight of the giant three -tired cake.

How to get a rainbow spraying

Hello Kitty Island Adventure a player for Haven Haven Day.

Spraying of rainbow are the main currency Used during this event. It is relatively easy to get this item. You will earn something by completing daily searches, but you will also have the opportunity to find them Raising items anywhere in the game.

Instead of staying confined to the beach resort only, The spraying of the rain can come anywhere. For example, we chose something Pumpkin in the scary swamp And the rainbow was found.

We saw Searching of rainbow was very common when the petals lifted For the Spring Time Celebration Program.

Rewards of Haven Haven Day Kiosk

Hello Kitty Islands a player watching the trade for Happy Haven Day in Adventure.

On a giant cake kiosk, you can trade rainbow spraying for the following items.


Cost (in the spraying of rainbow)

Haven Haven Cake Bags


Haven Haven Cake Glasses


Happy Haven Cake Top Heat


Haven Haven Cake Dress


Hewan Haven Cake Tuxedo


As you can see, The price of everything is exactly the same price, And they are not too expensive.

Past Happy Haven Haven Day Events Items

Hello Kitty Islands a player to start Haven Day Happy Day in Adventure.

Happy Havenly came with one in the first 2024 Different sets of rewards. Although you may not trade them in the kiosk, you will still be able to find them at the Tuxedosum shop, which will cost a variety of rainbow spraying, fabric, dyeing or ringing. Below, you can check these items.

  • Haven Haven Gown
  • Haven Haven Tux jacket
  • Hyun Haven Slax
  • Haven Haven Crown

These items have the opportunity to appear in his shop, but it is not guaranteed. Make sure to re -check with her every day that the event is active.

Daily Rewards

Hello Kitty is watching daily prizes for Happy Haven Day in Eyland Adventure.

Login five days, you can get the following rewards. These daily prizes are not too uncommon, but if you are running less on strawberries, this is a good way to get six more people.




1x Strawberry Crete


5x flour


2x Strawberry Crete


5x cactus cream


3x Strawberry Crete

What is the confusion cake?

Hello Kitty Island Adventure, a player to make Confirm Cake for Happy Haveni Day.

By spraying the rainbow in the oven and folding the dough, You will be able to make Confirm Cake, Which works like a common baked.

When you first start the event, it is mentioned that you will be able to Use the cake on the stand. Currently, it seems For many players, including ours, in Gamer. Could not actually be used on the cake stand, Although Hello Kitty mentioned that this would be possible.

We will update it when more information comes out, but for time, Back some confusion cake and stock on rainbow spraying.

You can also Use rainbow spraying in other items. With spraying, you can create a confidential version of A Milk shake, mochi, buba, ongeri and shaved ice.


Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Full Leader for Visitors

In Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you can host a number of visitors in the cabins. Here, you can learn everything about these holiday characters.

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