All Springtime Celebration Event Rewards In Hello Kitty Island Adventure

by pokogame

Hello Kitty Island Adventure Annual events have a wide range of events, which often be in line for real -world holidays or seasons. When the march begins, you can expect to see the Spring Time Celebration Program, which formally brings the spring to the island.


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In this guide, we will go to every aspect of the Spring Time Celebration Program in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. When this happens, what you can do during this period, and to get all its potential rewards. Will cover it. Like most of the events of Hello Kitty Island Adventure, it is not difficult to complete everything, so you don’t have to do much strictly.

Refuse by Jacqueline Zalees on March 17, 2025: The second part of the celebration of the celebration of the spring has begun at Hello Kitty Island Adventure! Thus, we have added additional rewards that you can get during this program.

When is the Spring Time Celebration event?

Hello Kitty Island Adventure a player standing with Spring Time Celebration Cusec.

The correct dates may vary from year to year, but For 2025, the event will be from March 2 to April 8. It gives you More than a month to complete the content and get all the items. If you are familiar with Hello Kitty Island adventure events, you will know that there is Here no real story, Just a combination of items!

The celebration of the Spring Time is a fundamental event, so the Kiosk location is far from the beach Resort Plaza. Here, you can find some booths, as well as the novel. Trade items for petals.

How to get the petals

The unique currency for this event is petals. They are easy enough to get. You can check the acquisition methods in the table below.



Raised from the ground

It can only be done around the beach resort.

Overall, thus seven petals are found.

Complete the daily search

Every day there is a fixed amount of daily search, but if you complete them, you can earn ordinary rewards as well as petals.

Simplify enough, okay? To get the petals, Complete daily searches and fodder for seven petals only daily.

All Spring Celebration Special Items

Hello Kitty Island Adventure a player to buy from Spring Time Celebration Kiosk.

Spring Time Celebration Kiosk Exchange

In the main celebration of the spring, you can, you can Exchange petals for the following items.


Patients cost

Spring Time Celebration (Music)


Sakura vase


Stone pedestal


Bush in small spring


Small paper lantern


Large Sakura bouques


Sakura Ikibana


Sakura Flower Side Table


Sakura Tapri


Floor in the spring


Wallpaper in the spring


Coffee table in the spring


Sakura void


Sakura carpet


The sand garden


Sakura platform beds


A player who is buying Sakura Bonsin Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

It looks like you can also Buy spring celebration items from my chord (in his shop). Here, you can get furniture items from past events. Although the cost is different. Instead of spending only petals, you will need some other materials (such as Sakura or Kamal flowers).

We picked up 2024 Sakura Bonusai with small gift big smiles, which costs A petal, ten sakura, and five lotus flowers. Overall, only Check my chord shop every day.

Daily Rewards

Hello Kitty is the reward for celebrating a player at the Eid Adventure.

Every day you will log in, you will get something too Daily Rewards When the first time opens the game, you will look Daily Rewards Chart. The first part of the event L’ll, you will receive prizes from the spring time celebration I calendar, which are listed below.

Spring Time Celebration I




1x Strawberry Crete


2x pink colored pills


5x Sakura


5x pink colored pillows


2x Strawberry Crete


Spring Time Celebration (Music)


Pista’s female hakama


Women Hikama crafts projects


10x iron ore


3x Strawberry Crete


5x fabric


5x Lotus Bloom


Denim male hakama


Men Hukama crafts projects

Spring Time Celebration II




Blue Happy Coat


Blue Happy Coat Crafting Plans


Kiwi beds


Kiwi dining chair


Kiwi Dining Table


Kiwi dresser


Green adornment women haikama


Green adornment Women Hacama Hakama crafts plans


10x Listen Bloom


5x fabric


5x Red Dai Pouch


5x White Dye Pouch


5x Lotus Bloom


5x Strawberry Crete

If you waste a few days on the first calendar page, don’t worry! When Spring Time Celebration II begins, You will get rewards from both. For example, we exempted a day, so the first day of Spring Time Celebration I, We found plans for Blue Happy Coat and Men Hukama Cracking.

Tuxedosam event dresses

Finally, we have event items that can be I was purchased from the Tuxyasam shop. From this, you can Buy crafts projects for Lotus Silk for a petal. This is the main material of clothing that you need to make items for this event, including men and female harassment.

So that a kamal silk can be made, You will need three kamil flowers. Once you get it, you will also be able to Buy Camono Craft Plans, as well as Kimono. For example, we are currently being sold for male chemo crafts projects, which is also being sold at the time of the original male spring.

Buying Kimono at the time of spring takes a lot of content, but you can Prepare ordinary kimono with just three lotus silk. You can also see Spring Time Sakura Clip Available; It was actually a Daily Rewards for the Spring Celebration of 2024, But now you can buy it from Tuxyasam if it is available.

Tuxedosam’s offer can be slightly random Just examine what he has offered.


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