Just a few days after the release of Hassan’s profession, Ubesoft has allegedly implemented an anti -harassment plan for developers to prevent a potential response on social media.
The shadow of Hassan’s profession has been subjected to constant grief from some corners of the gaming fondam, mainly due to the presence of Yasuka, a black seamori, which has promoted unhappiness with the company’s pre -release memories and mixed messages. The game itself seems to be promising (our full review will arrive on March 18) and Ubisoft says in advance is “tracking tightly”, but this is still an ugly environment in which the game is to start.
An employee told the French site, “We have been advised not to post on social media that we work in Ubesoft to avoid harassment.” Bfmtv For,,,,,,,,,, for,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,, for,.Google translationThrough, through Receptor) Beyond, the company has apparently worked with Canada Communication Security EstablishmentThe country’s national cryptocurrency agency, probably. Because Hassan’s profession is developed by the shadow of Yubisoft Quebec.
“This is a initiative from Canada,” a source told the site. ” “There is a team that monitors networks and operates fast in the event of a target attack.” Ubesft also has psychological and legal assistance for employees who are targeted by sports affiliation, and the activity on the social media platform will be monitored by a dedicated team, where it is necessary to support lawyers ready to file complaints.
The source said, “In contrast, it is serious.”
It is very unfortunate, keeping it in a light terms, that such a thing is necessary, but it is necessary to fast. The tarntation of targeted harassment campaigns and random abuse is increasing: In 2023, for example, Bongi said that the destiny of 2 developers is being targeted by an abusive “fan”, despite the victory of 000 500,000, despite the ongoing harassment, only because of his or her own work in this year. Anti -harms launched policy.
2023 of GDC The state of the game industry survey It has been found that 91 % of developers believe that harassing players is a problem for the industry. Not surprisingly, women are more likely to abuse players than men, as LGBT Q+ is a member of the community.
“Our position has always been that the team members’ social media channels are their own,” Ubesft said in a statement to the PC Gamer. “Our top priority is the safety of our employees, including online, as a standard process of Ubesoft, we offer guidance on social media, digital safety, and support for the welfare of the team members.
Ubesoft has previously surpassed some of the abuses: while CEO YES Galmut has made a fruitful attempt to change the angry gamers in 2024, saying that the company “does not pushing a particular agenda,” the creative leadership has been more powerful about it, between November 2024. In intoender, “but” when we face the dangers, we hand over our power, unless freedom and creativity are far from us. “
On March 20, the shadows of Hassan’s faith came out.