Who Are The Thalmor In TES?

by pokogame

In the wide world of Elder ScrollsThere are many factions, everyone is trying to fulfill their missions. Possibly the most hated faction among the elderly scroll fans is Talmer. This aggressive XI extremist group embraces the surface of God and hatred, using the underwater methods to achieve their end.


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The Thalamer is based in Eleanor in Samariset Islands and served in all three repetitions of Almedrey Dominine. However, in addition to dominating Timriel and taking revenge against the cylodelic empire, their actions may have a hidden purpose. In this way, there is a history of Thalamer, which includes its origin, functions and goals.

Foundation and originality

Thalamer is showing a piece of leather to the Justices.

Before diving as a thalamer, it is very important to learn the basis for their extreme self importance.

According to the fiction of creation, some of Eta (or Edra), who had been cheated by Lorkhan to make Mandus, Forced to create together to survive. But with each other generation, Their strength gradually disappeared, and these offspring are known as Ehlanfi (or earth bones).

Finally, Ehlnafi broke out, With the old Ehlnafi alders to live inWhile wandering Ehlnafi is scattered in Tamiril. Older Elnafi is the ancestors of all MirWhile wandering Ehlnafi became the ancestors of men. Came from the old Ehlnafi Alder, the forecast race from where all Mir landed.

Since Alder maintained his ancient knowledge and al -Durmus, Mir has a long life period than wandering Ehlnafi’s offspring. But all of the XI races that happened, Ultmer (or high aloe) is considered to be a direct, unmanned offspring of the aldmerAnd the original aldmer’s appearance is not much different.

As a result of considering Edra’s direct offspring, yourself, Ultmer makes himself better than men and even other XI races. Ultmer – Thalamer, in particular – is a level of enmity about men’s race to be a follower Lorkhan, the treacherous God (also known as the god of human races), whom he considers to be responsible for depriving the ultimon.

First and Second

A picture of two agents of the Divine Prosecutor.

Thaelmer’s origin can go to the second roundWhen the first alderie was created by Queen Eron during the Dominine Integan. Queen Erin’s purpose was to protect the Altmer’s territory, culture and the interests of men and Wishing to bring all Timriel under the MER Roll. They Allied with Wallon Wood and Elvier, Bosmor (or wooden ellis) respectively and the house of a khajit respectively.

She believed in her Only Alder’s offspring can bring real, lasting peace and prosperity for all TimronsDue to their widespread wisdom and experience. During this time, Thaelmer Dominine’s bureaucratic and administrative arm and he became the police force of the kingdom. Thalamer also had an internal council who served as Queen Erin’s adviser.


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A second alderi Dominine was established nearly three centuries after one, and in this case, In Thalamer Wallon Wood, a governing power became a wooden Elvis house. At the same time there was a risk to the Almedri Dominine, In the third period with the victory of Tiber Septum’s Timriel, a moment of thalamer to identify a moment of fall and dissolution.

Naturally, the handling of Altmer to Tiber Septium’s forces and rule has had a negative impact, and his pride was injured. His prisoner of the septum family expressed his hatred and embarrassment, During the fourth period, finally reinforcing the recovery of the thalamer.

Thalemer in the fourth period

Skyerium Thalamer Group

Saw the fourth round The Thalamer’s return and the highest point for the organization proved to be. The Badalo crisis further damaged the morale of Summer and Ultmar, which saw the destruction of the Crystal Tower and the deaths of many Ultamar. Thamor started Get widespread support as a result of this as they benefited from the situation. Even he gave Somerset a new name: Elanver.

Thaelmer became so powerful that he Arranged to overthrow the monarchy and install himself as a ruling government. Not just Vallen Wood succeeded in handling completely (thus starting the third alderi Dominine)But even the Organis were able to rebel against the cylodelic empire, known as affiliate war.

To be at the height of their strength, Thailmer was ruthless in conquering those who opposed their ruleEven among their own people. Some of the Ultmar did not agree with Thailmer’s beliefs and goals, And those who were not successfully killed fled to places like Hammer Fell. But nevertheless, the thalamer does not let things lying, hammers behind them and behind them To slaughter a mass of altmer refugees at the beginning of the fourth period.

Thalamer does not refrain from imposing ethnic cleansing of his populationOppressing other generations and killing those whom they consider to be ‘unclean’ and ‘incompetent’. However, it is likely that these are just excuses they used to kill their political opponents.

Great battle

Imperial Lashkar is marching in the war.

By the fourth period, the cylodelic empire was very weakAnd since Mir was living a long life, there will be one of the people who remembers the subjugation of the Tiber Septium on the island of Summers. Thalamer got angry after the Tiber Septium went to Talos And the idea that men can climb to God.

It was in the era of Emperor Tights Med II when Thalamer sent a representative And made a list of the demands of the Cyrodelic Empire, while taking a cart with the heads of each blade agent deployed in the Domino Dominion. Tights Medi II refused and the Great War began.


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After the conquest of Tiber Septium, Alderi Dominin made great progress, bending the tables on the cylodelic empire, Even they succeeded in taking Imperial City. But the war ended on a deadlock, the empire took a final stand and arranged to trap and destroy the Aldmi army.

The Great War was formally ended with the signature of the White Gold ConcordettWho made the empire mainly in the list of demands that Thalamer presented to the Emperor. As a result, Skyrium sticksmoxes and Imperials break into civil warWhich we get as the last dragon Bowran seat.

Thalamer and Towers Theory

Online Darney Tower in Elder Scrubs.

A famous, but non -certified theory- Towers is known as theory – It states that the purpose of the Thalamer is beyond the control of Tamri. There are approximately eight known towers in NIGHTAnd it includes Adnantine Tower on High Rock, Red Tower (or Red Mountain) in Verdenfell, Crystal Tower in Summerset, and the White Gold Tower in Cyrodel. Of these towers, it is claimed, The adnantine tower and the Red Tower were built by the Adra.

As mentioned earlier, Altmer hated his actions by his infidelity. According to the theory, These towers are the ones that maintain and preserve the stability of the Mands and that the purpose of Thalamer is to destroy these towers. And, in essence, destroy the mandis. In the Thalamer’s mind, Mandus’s destruction allows ultmar to return to Divinity.

In sports like this, Several towers have been destroyed or disabled. For example, the Red Tower was destroyed when it broke out, the crystal tower was destroyed during a misleading crisis, and the diver’s namadium was abolished in the episode of the Digger Fall. This gives the theory a reputation, but it is unconstitutional and hopes that the Elder Skilles VI will be answered.


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