The future of robots is looking ever more meaty as MIT researchers grow first bidirectional muscle tissue machine

by pokogame

The future of robots is looking ever more meaty as MIT researchers grow first bidirectional muscle tissue machine

When you close your eyes and imagine a future robot, it is a good opportunity that the image you created is shiny and chrome. It may be that the cyberpank is upright since 2077, or close to the Boston Dynamics -style boats, when it is complete with a scary dance tricks while occupying the world. I got both good and bad news for you. The good news is that robots are definitely coming, the bad news is that they may be made of meat. If these MIT scientists have something to say about it.

Meat robots are not a new concept, and both artists and scientists have been working on them for a while. Biological basis robotics are likely to be huge, as they will be more flexible and are capable of squeezing into smaller places. They can be even more efficient, especially when it comes to some tasks such as passing through liquids. One of the current major obstacles prevents us from developing such tissue -based terminrators, knowing how to grow muscle that can pull more than one direction. So far, he was not just an ambiger.

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