BLEACH Rebirth of Souls |OT| The Deathberry Returns OT

by pokogame

BLEACH Rebirth of Souls |OT| The Deathberry Returns OT

Date of Release: March 21, 2025
Manufacturer: Tomsoft Corporation
Publisher: Bandai Namko
PC | Xbox Series X | s | PlayStation 4/5

Standard . 59.99 | . 49.99 | 59.99 €
Delux . 84.99 | . 69.99 | 84.99 €
Certain . 99.99 | . 84.99 | 99.99 €

Wake up the blade inside you and reversed your fate in the bleach: Spirits of the Spirit!
Engage in thrilling battles with powerful sword capabilities and characters from this legendary mobile phones franchise. Choose your actions, attacks, guards, or breakers.
Use the three -way deadlock deeds to exploit the holes and remove the powerful combination.

Eliminate your opponent’s Rishi Heath gauge and claim victory!
Use Flash Attack Combu for Quick Attack Combu and Destructive Power for High -speed attacks

The sword of each character has a variety of attacks, strong action and speed.
It is important to decide how the character can succeed in attacking the distance.

Heat the war with powerful actions, powerful tricks
It can be released by eating your gauge.

China Reverse: may be associated with active combus and extends your attacks
Burtis Reverse: Causes Opponents’ attacks and blows any opponents
Spirit Reverse: Automatically recovering rashi (Health Gauge) over time

Eliminate your opponent’s rash and destroy the entire Kanpaku (the rest of his life) to secure victory.
To deal with considerable damage and you will unlock the powerful move, capable of destroying your opponent’s Kanpako.

It will be the key to our victory to mastered the sword fighting and successfully performing the Cegian action.

You have a fight while fighting the spirit of fighting, so that you can activate the state of awareness.
Awareness promotes your stats and changes some of the character actions.
Despite being awakened, you can use a more powerful kicken move, capable of changing the situation with the same destructive strike.

Unique systems highlight the individuality and appeal of the characters.

Signing tricks can be released without using a gauge
Spiritual pressure moves a gauge to remove a unique and powerful attack

The character’s abilities are significantly enhanced during awareness.
Even more unique tactics and tactics allow you to experience the bleach war style.

For For the first time In history, resurrect the Bleach’s main story from the height of Eichigo. Alternative Spirit Reaper Arc I in the Climocotic Battle against Susko Eisen Arnakar arc. The stories that are open behind the main story from the point of view of each character.
These stories included events that were not shown in the “main story”, but help to create the personality of each character. Each game has 3-4 stories in the character. Explaining the daily lives of the characters, they are not engaged in war. These episodes are included in Chapter 3 of the “main story”.

Note: ☆ ‘refers to how easy/difficult it is to lift and play as a character. 5 ☆ The easiest and 1 ☆ the most difficult.

The place where humans live. Here, mostly, is not visible by spiritual creatures that rotate with the most different shapes and abilities. Only those who are particularly sensitive can see these “ghosts”.

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Talent Arora
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Smin Herco
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ichigo Korosaki (Final Gatega TenshuJes
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The place where the spirits reach the world of dying after their owners. In other words, later life. When the souls are first taken by civil wrapper in the spirit of the soul, they enter the Katchi population known as Rokon District, which is around the Seriti.

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto
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Needle Televocate
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Whom Acheo
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Azoro Kira
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Bikuia Cookchek
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Shinoi Keracco
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Toshir Hitsugia
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Keen Shiba
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Stopped Cookchek
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The place where hollow, which is located in space between living and the soul society. The only way to access this is to go through a guarantee.

Sochy Lining
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Coyote Stark
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Grimmjow Jaggacies
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  • Bleach of spirits – Birth – Base Game
  • Pre -order right now and get the following bonus content:
    • Thousand -year -old Blood Wars: Tosero Hitsugia and Yuchi Shihuin Castium Set

  • Bleach of spirits – Birth – Base Game
  • Season Pass
    • 4 playable character of the game
    • 1 week’s early access for characters
    • Two types of soul crystal set 1

  • Two types of soul crystal set 2
  • Pre -order right now and get the following bonus content:
    • Thousand -year -old Blood Wars: Tosero Hitsugia and Yuchi Shihuin Castium Set

  • Bleach of spirits – Birth – Base Game
  • Season Pass
    • 4 playable character of the game
    • 1 week’s early access for characters
    • Two types of soul crystal set 1

  • Thousand -year -old Blood War War Dress Set
  • Solis version of clothing
  • Two types of soul crystal set 2
  • Two types of soul crystal set 3
  • Pre -order right now and get the following bonus content:
    • Thousand -year -old Blood Wars: Tosero Hitsugia and Yuchi Shihuin Castium Set

Hope you guys liked it, this is my first OT and it’s definitely a little bit but I did my best. And personally, I think it’s out well.

I never intended to make an OT, but it didn’t seem that someone else was going to do. And as a large -scale bleach fan, I thought I could at least try for this big moment and put something together. Seriously, the last bleach has been 14 years old, and the last fighting game in the West has been 17 years. It’s crazy that it’s so long. Hopefully, the Bleach’s restoration causes more things in IP, including games in various species (RPG). But I wandered enough, so I’ll leave you all with my favorite MC with my favorite references:

“It revolves around.
The world changes.

It turns.
Every time it touches the sun and the moon …
… It takes a new shape.

One thing that doesn’t change …
… What is my helplessness?

It is turning.

If destiny is a mill stone …
… Then we are Grust.
We can’t do anything.
So I wish for power.

If I can’t save them from the wheel …
… Then give me a strong blade …
… And enough power…

… so… about… about….To scatter.

Achigo CrosakiFor, for, for,. Alternative Sheenigami


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