How to retrieve the box in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

by pokogame

After being stolen by a mysterious personality in Mehta Cofone, sending the box to the box in the shadow of Hassan is your first appropriate search. This has also introduced your first official murder target, Onreo Samurai Ado Yoshiro, though you may be convinced that many of them will follow your killer’s profession during the shadow journey. If you are missing around Katano Castle or having difficulty developing, here is the way to recover the box in the shadow of Hassan’s profession.

Where is the Katano Castle box in the shadow of the killer’s profession?

First box markers run with a jump rope of faith

(Image Credit: Yubisoft)

When you initially climb the tower to go to Katano Castle, you will be given the opportunity to scan the box and scan the area to tag enemies. You can jump in the grass stack below the tower, move the guard forward and then run away to the next roof across the rope. Throw the Kin to remove the guard below, then walk along the ceiling beams to kill another guard from above. The box is here … just it’s not right, so our search is underway.

Go around the side of the building to easily arrive at the other box marker

(Image Credit: Yubisoft)

Go out of the door and climb the opposite building of the roof marker, then use your griping hook on the tree to swing in the next building as directed. Another box will be highlighted on the marker on the next roof, and it is in a surrounded building so it will be difficult to go. Make another jump of faith near the grass below, kill the guard, then rotate the wall hole and crawl to remain hidden in the grass. As the above picture is in the picture, go around the right side and remove the guard in the corner, after which you can easily enter the building so that you can easily enter the building so that you can easily enter the building … another dod box.

Follow the third box marker as well as climbing on the top of the outer wall

(Image Credit: Yubisoft)

Finally, stealthily in this corner when you enter the building, climb the top of the wall, then move towards the marker and kill the guard at the bottom clock position. From there, you can jump on the roof and reach the high place to observe the onyu semorrio. Make sure you go to the end of the flag pool to mobilize the marker of the checkpoint.

How to retrieve the box in Katano Castle in the Shadow of the killer

Use your griping hook to kill and recover the box and recover the box

(Image Credit: Yubisoft)

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