The Pokémon Go director has addressed the fear of the future of the game after the Scopalia Techover.
He claims that inspection advertising and salaries will never be part of Pokémon Go.
The same team that worked on the Pokémon Go Under -Ninak has also been retained.
Nintent sold fellow mobile gaming jinn to fellow mobile gaming jinn last week, and have you been playing since its inception in 2016 or recently chosen Pokémon Go, you will probably be a bit upset, and rightly so. However, Pokémon Go’s senior product director, Michael Sterrana, has tried to convince the distressed people, confirmed that some of the players are worried about some of the features of the signature.
Although both school and Nenthenic are big players in the mobile gaming space, how they approach, and eventually mane, their related games are very different. Scopley’s biggest hit is monopoly, which offers many advertising and limits to what players can do if they do not want to pay.

The Pokémon GO Chief says there are all the right things about Scopal sales, but I still can’t trust it
When we process the game studio, why should we believe in anything about the acquisition of Pokemon Go?
Pokémon Go Player is worried that his game will face the same luck. However, In an interview with polygon Covering the future and achievement of Pokémon Go, Stranka has tried to eliminate these fears. When the director was asked how ads are implemented in Pokémon Go, or if the players who do not want to be banned, they will be banned, their answer was clear: “This is not happening in Pokémon Go. Now, never.”
Pokémon Go Director doesn’t want you to be worried about the acquisition
Apparently, apparently, no mechanics associated with mechanics will be implemented
Sterenka added, “(Scopali) told us himself that he would be foolish to try to change his prescription, which has given him such a big hit and success.” Even the director gave some insights on how the scope works. Mobile gaming devices give their teams’ agency when making big decisions about their respective sports. Hopefully, this means that just because games like monopoly and Marvel Strike Force work in a special way, the methods and other scope games in them will not come to Pokémon Go.
It also seems as if most Pokémon GO team, which operates under the Nenthenic, will be maintained for the scope. To ensure that the transition is as smooth as possible, and the game remains the same, Stranka revealed that it will work with the same team as if it is not a change in ownership, and it does not get stuck around it.
Of course. It sounds great to hear, and you want to think that like Pokémon Go, you don’t want to mess with a permanently successful game. However, it doesn’t matter how much money a game makes, there will always be someone who wonders why it is not making much. It is hoped that this will not happen to the Pokémon Go of Skipali and that the elements of its new owner’s other sports will not eventually start filtering.