Diablo 4 was in the most final stages of development when the snowstorm came with the idea of maximum commitment, which was done by the editors of the game’s most powerful item.
Since last April, the big loot revenue update of Diablo -4 included maximum commitment to the game. They are primarily a better version of ordinary commitments that guarantee the maximum role of an item and increase all the data by 1.5 times their regular price. The addition of maximum affiliations has really shook the Diablo -4 and Games itemization, but it never happens if the snowstorm was not making the game around the code that could be easily tweeted without any major problem.
Addressing this year’s Game Developers Conference, Blazard Entertainment Lead Software Engineer Patrick Ferland spoke about the technical aspect of Diablo -4, and when I won’t go to it in detail to the same extent, I wanted to highlight an interesting note that he did more about the last moment.
“Our idea of more than ourselves was a very late -breaking idea about ourselves.” Literally, we had two weeks left in the development system, when anyone proposed it. But since we tightened our data rebuilding, we were able to move forward with such a major change that we are not causing this construction to destabilize and cause problems. “
Along with numerous balanced works, Diablo 4 is a fundamental change in the itemization correction, which is attributed to a largely successful course correction of snowstorms after widespread criticism of the first few season.
This does not mean that even today there are not enough accurate and less complaints about the state of Diablo 4, but the balance and itemization was two of the two biggest issues of the game, and the snowstorm has been leaving updated for years to improve these elements of the game.
Looking forward to, Diablo 4 Season 8 is improving the boss ladder system with new mechanics and owners, which includes the best from Diablo 3.