The Best Legends Awakened Chase Cards In The Pokemon TCG

by pokogame

If you are a legendary Pokémon card fan in Pokémon TCG, then wake up legends is a great lineup for you. The Diamond and Pearl era includes a combination of top -terrorism cards, which includes a special level of pokemon, including rare LV. X Pokémon Chase Card to enjoy.


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While some of the best cards in the awakened legends are irrational with LV. There are a handful of other beautiful cards to submit in this set, in this set. From Dragonit and Glycor to Uxie and Azeelf, these legends stand as a best offer of mid -vintage by Pokémon TCG by Pokémon TCG.

Cards are ordered according to market prices tcgplayer. No cards are included without market price.


Ricoza (Holo rare) – .14.12

All smiles

Legends awakened Ricoza in Pokémon TCG.

In a set dedicated to the legendary Pokémon, one of the most valuable entries should not be surprised to find an advanced Ricoza card. Although this Ricoza does not look as long as the Green Dragon’s rendering, its signature is openly a contradiction between the black background and the shape of the Raekaza.

Despite being one of the most famous legendary Pokémon in TCG, the place of Raekaza in the awakened chase cards in the best legends is amazingly low, which has lost one of the three members of the Lake Guardian from a minor margin.


Azelf lv. x (Ultra rare) – .4 40.48

Growing legends

The legends awakened themselves. X Pokémon TCG.

Raikaza fails to reach equality with azelf LV. X- For now, since the margin is so small that these cards can return at any moment, and shake the ranking in the best chase cards of the legendary awareness.

However, Azelf’s mass coming does not matter, as something is played in moderation (MP) The sale scored more than $ 15 to $ 40, which had a huge impact that had to respect the second best legendary Pokémon from the set. However, keep in mind that (Nm) Finding sales is difficult.


Dragonite (Holo rare) – .0 41.06

On more pastures

Legends awakened dragonate from Pokemon TCG.

The most valuable cards of Dragonite are famous, and when the awakening version of the valuable legends has not reached the same level of stewardam, such as cards such as fossils, such as Dragonit, have a lot of ability to make it bigger in this artwork. From the shining stars in the background to the beautiful Holo pattern, this dragonite has everything you want in the chase card.


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Negatives have been proud of valuable cards from races.

The NM copies of this card’s Holo version are far higher than the current market price, which is sold up to $ 75. However, the reverse Holo version of the dragonite with a moderate game does not command anywhere near the quantity (MP) Reverse copies are sold at least $ 15.


Glycor LV. x (Ultra rare) – .1 46.14

A glycor glue -up

The legends awakened Glysor LV. X Pokémon TCG.

Glysor can be one of the biggest surprises to appear in any of the most expensive cards on any list, as it rarely sees a lot of love. However, as LV. With the X artwork that photographed the Pokémon that is ready to jump out of the card border, it is easy to see why this card has received attention.

Glysor’s NM copies are permanently rising, with a $ 40s of swelling in the 40s, where market prices are currently sitting. The speed has pushed the price in the past with a $ 45 mark, but the price of this card has not been a constant pace to increase the new area.


Mesprit lv. X (Ultra rare) -. 46.82

Perfection of pink and purple

Legends awaken Mespert LV. X Pokémon in TCG.

Mespert has made it to the top three cards in the awakened legends thanks to the story of an impressive return, which saw that the card had drowned in an extraordinary lower part before falling towards impressive heights. Mespert rotated the $ 45 limit in 2024, which decreased to $ 30 a year.


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However, at the end of 2024, the Mysport began to rise, leaving the 30s, targeting the $ 40 mark, and its existing market price is increasing, as it seems that the new mark is the content when it is settled.


Mewtwo lv. X (Ultra rare) -. 89.98

A legend in the process

Legends awakened the Moto LV. X Pokémon TCG.

Everyone knows Meto, and while the best cards of this Pokémon are far more expensive, LV. X Art Pokémon is one of the most respected Mato cards in TCG. This magnificent action is that the card has been attacked by Matu, as it is accused of attacking anything on his way.

Unlike some other best cards of the awakened legends, Meto has been falling since early 2024, falling to a triple digit range of about $ 90 in its current market price. The rise of this meto is coming soon, so make sure to capture this card when you can.


uxie lv. X (Ultra rare) -. 99.97

Top of the three chains

The legends awakened uxie lv. X Pokémon TCG.

Which would ever expect uxie Not only to move the patrons of his fellow lake, but also the chart is to top the top as the most valuable Pokémon in awakened legends, Is hitting Matto from a solid margin? Although this rating is temporary, UXIE has made it clear from Matu, which is due to the rise of the reversal.

However, you should rise to uxie with salt grain, Since there is not a lot of NM sales to support the market price of about $ 100, which holds this card. More sales will be required to confirm the price of this card, but for now, UXII is waking up the best cards, and defeating Moto for the guardian.


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