Hassan’s professional shadow allies are deadly war summons and provide strong potential and supportive buffalo that can be a great honor for Yasuke and Nao. However, if you want to take advantage of their unique abilities, you have to recruit them first, and they have spread far and wide in the shadow of Hassan, which is also tied up with many important questions. To help you to be friends with, I explain who is the best ally in Haasan’s profession, as well as how to recruit all six of them and what are their abilities.
This guide contains spoilers for some important goals of Hassan’s professional shadow – you have been warned!
The shadow of the best murderer’s faith
The utility of all six Hasan’s belief allies depends on what role you are playing and what kind of play style you are playing. As well as said, Gennojo is the most useful in all situationsThanks to their anti -diagnosis capacity and passing ones, they are able to support both Naoe and Yasuke that helps keep you stealthily.