Roblox: Anime Vanguards Rewards have a heartfelt heart, offers different ways to earn jewelry, which is one of the most valuable currencies in the game. Gems are essential to seek new units and increase your hero’s reservoir, making them an important source. Since they are always demanded, it is the key to developing rapidly to knowing them effectively.

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Fortunately, almost every action in the game gives you a reward for gems, from completing the questions to defeat the enemies and participating in events. This will help you to help you maintain a stable supply, this guide will outline all the best methods for jewelry in mobile phones.
How to earn gems
To maximize the earnings of your semen, You should take advantage of every available method Just beyond the stages of cleaning. Almost all activities in the game provide jewelry, including unit summons, where you increase your collection and earn extra jewelry. However, the fields of the fields effectively, pay attention to the following sources:
- Actions -Complete the game challenges for GEM prizes.
- The surface milestone – Earn gems by reaching the level of some players.
- Battle pass – Free or develop through premium grades for additional jewelry.
- Enemy index – Defeat new enemies to earn jewelry.
- Combination of unit – Unlock more letters to receive mini bonuses.
Full achievements
The game requires a lot of successes Complete the specific steps related to the difficulty of a nightmare dream. For example, for many years of war, you need to complete six tasks in a nightmare.
This can be a difficult challenge, But the rewards make this effort well, especially if you manage to unlock all successes in one biome.
Place your character on the level
To equal your character in anime vanguards, Complete the steps to achieve the Expl. As you develop, high levels unlock new features, such as extra unit slot. In addition, visiting the level milestone will give NPC Gilgamesh a gems to reach a certain level of doorsteps.
Gilgamesh will stand on the left side of the central lobby,
Complete the battle pass
This feature acts like other Roblox experiences, Where you have to develop to unlock new levels of war. Even free levels provide many jewelry, but the premium beetle passes significantly more.
For example, Free Battle Pass Grant 250 First Tages of JewelryWhile the premium version reveals 750 gems.
Check the enemy index
Near war rooms, you will find the enemy index NPC, Which monitors the enemies of the elite you face. More importantly, defeating these enemies gives you a reward for gems. After clearing new places to claim your rewards, make sure the NPC visit.
You will get 30 gems Every new enemy was discovered.
Check the combination of unit
The combination of the unit acts like the enemy index, but instead of tracking enemies, This shows all your towers you have asked for. Be sure to test your collection after every ten to 20 sums, especially when you get a new unit.
To submit the unit, You can earn between 10 to 500 gems, The units you ask for depends on the fragility.

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