Fastest way to make money in Schedule 1 – Destructoid

by pokogame

Money is the key to your success Schedule 1And you will always want to make more pieces of green paper to develop your drug empire.

There are many ways to make money in the game, but some ways are more efficient. It is more difficult to make cash when you are just starting because the options are limited. This guide will help you easily make cash, and when you unlock more updates, the circle improves.

The best ways to make money in Schedule 1

As a sandbox experience, Schedule 1 gives you custom money. These are some of the best ways to earn more cash.

  • Sell ​​drugs, but always counter: Once you put a product for sale, you will see offers offers on your phone. Be sure to always make counterfar before agreeing to trade. In this way, you have to earn more cash than every sold product, and the extra money increases significantly when you unlock the really valuable options later in the game.
  • Choose a user at a time: The multiple of your product may make sense to keep many users ready, but there is a bonus waiting for you with a quick supply. Having a customer service will help you reach them in a short time and get available bonuses.
Fastest way to make money in Schedule 1 – Destructoid
Screenshot by Districtide
  • Level up: The reason for this is quite simple – at the level, and you unlock more products to sell. Now you don’t have to restrict yourself to the lowercase, which is sold in small quantities. If you are not equal, you will not have access to an advanced set of seeds that are very important to make things like Meth.
  • Cheating: Well, you can play the game in your own way, and if it involves the use of an error to earn an unlimited amount, who will I decide? See this guide for more information about having an unlimited amount of money to start your drug’s Kingpan dreams.

Well, you can do all this to get a healthy amount in Schedule 1. Some modes allow you to use console commands and get unlimited cash. However, these modes only work with the demo version (in writing), so there is no magical way to be rich in a short time.

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