Sony was responsible for the favorite choice of many dear sects of the Japan Studio PlayStation, including the choice of Shadow of Collasus, gravity rush, monkey escape, and Lokuroko. The studio was dissolved in 2021, and while the Astroboat developer team continues to be in the team, the gaming world is slightly deep due to the loss of this creative spark.
The pitch material was recently uploaded for the date stamps on November 2009 Internet archive Courtesy of the protectionists The unclear gamers. The game never became, but Japan found to make a prototype to provide footage to the studio as far as Trailer You look below.

The stamp was a 2D plateframers that had a paper craft aesthetic where you had a creativity – a stamp – each of the four -face buttons of PSP was connected. Will prepare square boxes that you can chain together to build bridges or stairs. The Circle will produce a Bonso level that you can use to reflect or reflect estimates. To destroy the bad people, you will be able to kick the triangle. Finally, X will delete whatever stamp you were thrown into.
The role of the player will be part of the “Stamp Big Family”-a roster of small Lady Big visits that have special abilities for everyone, such as droping giant square or creating a floating circles for China for mid-mid-move. These roles are very attractive, and I am completely obsessed with a slide that shows the family values ​​of the hero Stampa, which is shown dragging the laptop -infected dalmitian.
There are many details of the dry business, which offer the marketing budget compared to the potential sale of the game, but one of the most important details in which the devotees presented in favor of the stamp is the success of the other “Koi taste” sports, including Parappa de Raper, Little Begaplenett, and Pokémon Harthel. Nevertheless, it was not enough to please the owners who needed to make a stamp.
Stamp feels a piece with Japan’s studio’s other farewell portable games, such as Pitpoon and Lokuroko. Even though it is a dear classic that is impossible to say, this old pitch is more than selling me.
The former boss of the PlayStation says the Japan Studio’s closure was “necessarily” not surprising: “When a studio was not hit for a while, they forget what it feels like.”