During the years, Dark mode In the absence of proper new entry in the series, the thief has done a good job (here was the reboot of 2014, yet when I like it more and more, it was not finally based on the reputation of the series). Originally launched in 2009 as a total conversion in Dome 3, Dark Mode was resurrected as a standstone entity in 2013, and has since received permanent updates.
Updated updatedWhich was released on Thursday, not only is the most important in a while, but it also changes how the Dark Mode works. It has a task to protect the AI ​​in his heart, which eventually makes them think of a game that impressed it.
This change requires some context to understand, which is provided with the assumption on the update Moddb page Experienced Dark Mooder by NBOHR1Morm. He explained, “When ID software released the Dom 3 Mooding SDK, the Dark Mode team saw the ability to do more than the game of multi -player police vs. robbers.” “One of the first tasks was to investigate how the light game system can be implemented. For both players and AI, it is a good way to know that when the player appears to others, this is an important part of the thief’s experience.”
The Dark Mode Team Dome 3 Engine was able to recover the light game system, but the result was incredibly performance, to the location where it could cut the framerit in half. “Obviously, we can’t afford to run a light game render for everything or body that can see AI so it was decided that AI will do more simple light game calculations for things other than player.” Nbohr1more said. “It was much cheaper than presenting the whole scene, but heavily affecting the accuracy. Many solutions were proposed to improve things, but one solution saved us for years.”
In other words, the guards of the Dark Mode have been roaming around half the blind for 16 years. According to the NBOHR1 Emur, it has now been corrected using the “Stockstick Sampler Model” that can create a “average” in the light of individual entities that illuminate individual entities. “Now all AI and looting agencies (etc.) have their own light game and it performs well!” He writes. “In the middle of the bright spotlight, the knockouts of AI are overlooked.”
More understanding AI is not just a 2.13 update change. The update also includes assistance for Perialx Aquation mapping, which NBOHR1Morm says is “geographically understood that quantum lip”. It is showing a video, and I have to say, the roofs are very fast. Not enough, but not too far. Other graphics include reflection of the batide water, and the volume metric lights and particles shown in the mirror.

Elsewhere, the mission management has been adjusted so that the mission list and the downloader in these games are “now a search filter window that follows the latest convention to reduce the items listed because each new letter eliminates the name of the possible matching mission”, while the mood is changed to the Bespic Training Mission. Finally and most importantly, the update fixes the drunk guard A’s “broken behavior”, without which no self -esteem wants a thief.
You can download Dark Mode, complete with 2.13 update, Here. Despite lack of official support for the series, thieves’ fans are eating late. The Black Parade of 2023, the Black Parade, includes some excellent, extremely expensive thief missions about which I have ever detected, while the Victorian gothic secretly stealthily secretly stealthily secretly stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily stealthily. Metrokanakshi thief missions are included. Oh, and let’s not forget the upcoming multi -player spin of the Warren Spectrum on this concept, which is very interesting as thieves.