After 23 years of making Dwarf Fortress, even its creator is still ‘terrified’ of drowning all his dwarves with aquifers: ‘Part of the problem is we are just not good at videogames’

by pokogame

In the dwarf fort, Water Are a curse. They are the layers of underground, water lifting rock, which is permanently leaked to violating the dwarf miners. They can be managed and exploited with cautious construction, but in my experience, their original utility is proving how much I can be eligible in the Dwarf Fort-I am only ignorant, without any catastrophe, I will feel only when I feel in the first quarter.

Tarn Adams at 2023 Dice Awards.

(Image Credit: Cut Fox Games)

I can sometimes struggle with the feature of non -planned water, but I am apparently in good company. In an interview with the PC Gamer in GDC 2025, Taran Adams, co -creator of the Boone Fortress, told me that he was still a victim of terrorism through Aquifer after construction of the game for more than two decades.

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