- Crooks are now available to buy Foretenite Item Shop
- There are options that cost between 800 and 1000 v-boxes
- Crooks are the latest kicks added after Edidas and Nike branded shoes
Have you ever thought of yourself: “Dude, I love Fortnite, But it would be even better if I could wander around the map in a crooks pair? “
Well I like – if very specific – news for you. (For better or worse) famous klags are now available to buy Foretenite Item Shop. After the addition of Adidas and Nike branded trainers, Crooks are the latest lines of shoes that you can equip with your favorite Foretenite Skins
There are some different crooks that you can now pick up. The ‘Premium’ option is Crooks Classic Klog White for 1000 V-Bucks. They are also customized, allowing you to add or remove the ‘Jabbatz’ accessories that are caught in the shoes themselves.
Another 1,000 V box option is Crooks Classic Kilg Pink Milk that is the same, but instead of happy light is in pink color.
Other options include Crooks Eco View Ponds and Crooks Eco -Marbled Klack Sand/Multi -kicks, both cost 800 V -Bucks – permanent. It is cheaper because it is not as if they add to Jabbatz accessories.
All these cocktails will be able to buy from March 22, 2025, when the next shop refresh.
Foretenite Chapter 6 Season 2 is currently underway. Titled ‘lace lace’, it brings a robbery theme and the ability to earn with it Of Bashar Combat All Zero as a gameable skin. The current season ends on May 2, 2025.