Age Of Empires 2 Devs Were Forced To Make A Korea Faction Because StarCraft Sold 3 Million Copies In The Country

by pokogame


  • The Korean faction was added to the extension of the winners for the Empires 2 based on the success of the Star Craft in Korea.

  • Microsoft’s insistence on Korean factions led to historical mistakes and even a little political tension.

  • I still do not understand the logic.

It is absolutely incredible how good the Empire 2 is, thanks to its final edition. There is no doubt about the popularity of the RTS when it was launched for the first time, but this genre has been lacking for a long time. Remster, while not top in the chart, has done a great job in keeping the legacy title related.


The kingdoms are better than mobile age is better than

I am always a leathel of mobile games, but the age of the empire looks very good on your pill.

In the real game period, the extension of the winners introduced several new factions. However, it seems that a particular group was introduced for a stupid reason. Sandy Patterson, who was the designer of the original game, revealed that the Korean faction was forced because the Star Craft performed very well there.

This is the basic logic

In a Twitter thread (thanks, Windows Central), Patterson explained that Microsoft is quite firm on having Korean factions in the game as Star Craft sold more than three million copies. What is the relationship? Even Patterson does not know.

He explained, “This project went very well. We were almost completely finished 5 weeks before the schedule until January 2000. I was excited to go to the age of 3.” “Then Microsoft called and we had an important conference call.”

The suit asked the team to introduce a Korean faction for the winners. However, the team was reluctant to do so because the Koreans were not historically winners. Not least when the extension is compared to other civilizations. However, Microsoft’s argument was, “Star Craft sold 3 million copies in Korea.”

“It was my response, which seemed to be right for me.” There is no Korean in the Star Craft, so the sale was zero with the Korean citizen. ” Patterson finally said, “I can see where it is going. Once someone repeats the previous argument, it becomes clear that they are no longer working with logic or intelligence.”

Even he explained that he was not given any time to eliminate the new civilization, which led to some historical mistakes, which caused a lot of stir in Korea. A Microsoft official was also allegedly taken into custody. He concluded, “And finally, we did not sell 3 million copies of the Omar Empire in Korea.”

Mixing 19-NOV-2024-02-13-Am-6392.jpg

Age of Empire 2: Exactly Edition



November 14, 2019



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