I know a boy whose only game is the age of 2. He has been playing it for about 25 years. It does not have gaming PC, it has no extensive interest in gaming, and when I mentioned the age of the empire, he said, “Oh, I heard that they made another one” and this was the end of the conversation.
AOE 2 fans are like that: Why are I bothered with another video game when Kamal has already been achieved? And the title of the 26 -year -old ancient strategy is continuing an incredible post -life series, which partially enables the 2019 Empire 2: The final edition, and things are certainly not diminishing.
Updated Patch Note for AOE 2: D I have seen so far are the most Guardian. Developers themselves confess that they are “legendary long”, but “Cherry On Top” is that they will soon release the biggest update of “Age 2: D!”
How long? They just keep going, and the only way I can think of being able to summarize it was to highlight the whole thing and count a word: 8229 words. So let’s roll. The next update will arrive in “Mid -April”, and the heading features are as follows:
- Big fixes based on your comments!
- New Visuals for fortresses, elite units, monks and monasteries!
- Technology Tree UI Update!
- Balance changes!
- New maps!
- New features and materials to help:
- Random map scriping
- Scenario Editor
- Moving
We then go to a whole host of bug fixes and settings opportunities. Visual Over Halls introduce 25 new Castle Visuals in civilizations, and now the unique unit of each elite has different visuals than their non -upgraded counterparts: “Tutonic night helmet crusts, seamori banners, or ginger hats than before.”
All units have a group of animation improvements, in addition to better synchronization of dynamic images and attacks themselves, including new attacks for infantry, which will be radically changed with current individuals. The technology tree setting is reorganized with the latest words and better detail, for “better reading ability and more efficient use of space”, and there are new options from the main menu to go to the editor and other features to go straight to the editor.
The focus between the unit reforms, the Path Path Finding Tox and the new attributes, in which “sheep and Turks, can no longer be promoted after the worst by the Gurjara Mills.”
Individual units have a perfect list of balance changes, for each one for dishonesty I’m just going to link Instead of reproducing again, and then we return to the big subject of the patch note, which is China.
A new scene, “Xi Ann”, is free for all owners and all the owners of conquest, “the Xi tribe defends the river per river from the Northern War Fu Jian, which has designed to conquer all China.” This will allow you to infiltrate enemy camps with spies, bribe enemy generals, fund rebellion, and even the enemy army wrongly wrongly.
“Now the Chinese have been listed as archer and gun powder civilization and they are receiving a massive update to their units and bonuses,” the note says there is a list of new additions and bonuses of civilization. The developer is in tampering about the next expansion of the World Age game and, after paying attention here, it would be wise to bet on ancient China.
Then there are hundreds of words about the changes in the Headable animal (please do not ask), and the hunting animals, while in the northern island, “sometimes fail to produce fixed pigs.” The amount of water on the jungle spacing and the maps is now more appropriate, the residues are more equally divided, the less inaccessible areas, and Sadaf will no longer stop the spread of the coastal fish, which was apparently one thing.
There is a whole bunch of new trees, which can note the seamophile lush bamboo,
Asian pine, peach flowers, and Asian maple. Here is also a “panda rock” that is A rock on which panda likes to climb. There is also a new bird Red crowning craneWhich is sometimes known as a Manchurin crane. And a new map: Great Wall.
The World Age writes, “It’s been a minute when we have provided some ideas and tampering about everything happening with Age 2: D, and the last time we did in the middle of the beginning of history: war for Greece.”

“But let’s not bury the lead … For everyone who was thinking that when we come back with something new to our competitive players, this is our love letter. We wanted to give you some time to digest it and as long as we finish one of our biggest refreshments!
“We also said that there is a new expansion of age 2: D! We also provided some pictures to provide you with the opportunity to discuss what you have prepared. It is a pleasure for us to see what everyone is guessing! We are not yet ready to share all the details, so we are not ready to share the whole thing.”
China This is China.
“Next Extension for Omar 2: D will include five new citizens, who are worth all in the ranked multi -player. Yes, you have read correctly. Five! Is all the DLC included? No, we will follow more details soon (…) it is as happy as it is for you and we like you!”
It is not necessary to say that the giant team is just signed in the same way that you are legally allowed to terminate AOE 2 patch notes: “Volvolo!”
It is enough to say that AOE 2 fans are about this updated cock-hop, with some Announce this “The best updates so far” and the second “absolute cinema” phrase are reaching. Developers forgotten the Empire and the edge of the world have set a speeding speed of expansion for the final edition, which has been released so far (including the return of Rome of 2023, which brought every civilization to the original AOE).
PCG strategy King Fraser Brown says that although the final edition “Warz between Remster and Remack” is “It is” the best version of the best age of the Empire with a wide margin. ” And 26 years after the original release, 26 years after the original release, it is somehow getting better.