Age of Mythology Retold’s new Chinese pantheon expansion takes a bold stance on updating an old game: Just make good new stuff

by pokogame

The age of the myths has been a long, strong history of the RTS series strange and like most sects. Last year, we received the release of the Edge of Mathology: Retold, which updated and corrected it for the modern audience. The community that still loves and supports the game is received very well, every day thousands of online to play the enriched version of your favorite RTS. It recently found a large extension, Infinite pillarIncluding a panthen of Chinese gods and a Chinese group, along with Atlantin of the Greeks, Nors, Egyptians, and base games.

It was clear that the infinite pillars should either be at the standard of 2025 or should not exist at all

In a new extension, senior director Production Ernest Yuen and the team at the World Age realized that they would have to abandon some elements of Chinese faction during the fiction era. Ago Remster, Extension Edition in 2014.

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