All console commands and cheats in Schedule 1

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All console commands and cheats in Schedule 1

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Time to become breaking bed.

Schedule 1 Selling ridiculous sound medicines on the streets allows you to become the ultimate kangapin, but it takes a long time to build your powerful empire. You can use some console commands and frauds in the game to accelerate your progress.

Here you need to know about the use of console orders and fraud Schedule 1.

Method to install and use console commands in Schedule 1

Photo showed player standing with Helland Auto in Schedule 1.
Start as someone and start collecting people to sell your products. Screenshot by DotSports

To get the command of the console Schedule 1You need to download Melone Loader Application And install it on your computer. It is a universal mood loader for sports, and you can use it to apply your mood, including console commands. After you install it, you should be able to choose the game and open its files using a Melon loader. Now, find out the modes folder and complete the step below.

Next, make your way to the nexus modes, and work the console command you will need to download two moods. First Schedule 1 console lockerAnd the other is one Console mode Melone loader to remove .dll files in the mods folder. You can also install Mode ManagerWhich makes it easy for you to visit between different ways.

Once you have all the files, start your game and Press F8 To bring the console in the upper part of your screen on your keyboard, and type your orders. If you do not like to edit, you can also use fraud in the game by downloading The engine of cheating And download CT files To access powerful options like God mode within the game.

All console commands and used in Schedule 1, are listed

The photo in which the player shows cash in Schedule 1.
The console appears in the upper part of your screen. Screenshot by DotSports

Here is a table for you to see console orders and their use Schedule 1:

Console orders Detail (use)The command example
addedmployeeeAdding an employee to you make it easier to automatically make the drug -making process.Adpley Place
AddxpThe experience in your character indicates, which allows you to level and unlock new places to sell your products.AddXP 5000
RestrictionTie a specific key with a command.Bind T ‘Set Time 1230’
The balance of changeNot all stores accept cash, and they just take balance online. Generally, you need to use ATM to move your cash to your online balance. Using it, you can directly increase your balance.Change 5000
Chang CashIncreases your cash.Chang Cash 5000
Clear BindsCleans all the restrictions.Clear Binds
Clear InventoryCleans its inventory slot.Clear Inventory
CleanCleanses the desired police level.Clean
EnableEnables a specific game object.Enable PP
InactiveDisables specific game objects.Disable PP
Free campTogel free Cam Mode.Free camp
BeavesGet an item in your hand.Give Watering_K
GroplantsAll plants in the world are fully grown. It saves you a lot of time.Groplants
HoliiAll screen hides UI.Holii
raisinIncreases the player’s desired level.raisin
In the bottomReduces the player’s desired level.In the bottom
Package ProductLes helps you pack products.Package Product Jars
SaveForcing a savings.Save
Set DiscardDetermines the product determined as discovered.Set Discard Ogakosh
CitrusChanges your facial expressions.Citi Motion Chair/Angry
setenergyChanges your energy level. Setenergy 100
Seth HealthIt sets your health points.Seth Health 100
Set Jump ForceThe jump force of the player determines the multiplication.Set Jump Force 1
SetlawintensityDetermines the severity of police activity on a scale of 0-10.Setlawintensity 6
Setmo SpeedMultiply the pace of the player’s move. Setmo Speed ​​1
SetoredDees a property as ownership.Setting laundomet
SetqualityDefines the quality of the lace product.Heavenly heavenly
SetquestentrystateDetermines the state of the specific Quest entry.Setquestentrystate
Set RelationshipsSets the relationship level with the NPC to a specified amount of 0-5.Set Relationships 5
setstaminerserveCapacity increases. Set Steaminarro 200
SettimeChanges daytime.Settime 1530
Settime ScaleIncreases the pace of the game. Time determines the scale. The default is 1.Settime Scale 1
setunlockedUnlock a particular NPC.setunlocked
AccessorDefines the value of a specific variable.Accessor
SpanvehicleA car spreads to the player’s location.The spoileic shut box
TeleportTeleports the player to a specific location.Teleport Town Hall
unhideuiNot all screen eliminates UI.unhideui

Next, you can read our leader about playing in Co -Multi Player and unlimited amount Schedule 1.

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