All controls in Schedule 1 game

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All controls in Schedule 1 game

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Knowing your control can save your drug empire in Schedule 1, so here’s a complete list.

Schedule 1 There is a game where you need to create a drug empire from the beginning, such as police avoiding new customers, expanding, making profit, and maintaining a network of dealers. Knowing all your control and binds can save you from bound. Pan is intended.

Here is a list of every control Schedule 1 And for whom can you use it?

Schedule 1: List of all controls and binds

A player who has two marijuana plants wearing black shirts, jeans and leather shoes.
Start small, make big. Screenshot by DotSports

Binds of Movement

PastWYou go ahead.
BackwardsYou go backwards.
LeftAYou move to the left.
RightDiYou move to the right.
JumpLocationAlthough you can only use jumping mechanics to simply vault the obstacles, another good way to use it is to increase your movements. If you are jumping during spraying, the faster you move as your role is likely to move.
SprintShiftYou start running. The game allows the shift to choose between pressing and holding the shift whenever you want to use the sprint function. Prefer you from the dropdown menu in settings.
CrushControlYou sit down Although it slows down the speed of your movement, you are less likely to detect timid and under aggressive NPCs or police at a young age. This is indicated when the wiggate effect around your screen is indicated.

The control of the goods

The following controls help you access any tool in your option along with your gear.

TelephoneTabTakes your phone out, allowing you to sell your products and manage the map as well as manage dealers, supply, text messages and consumers.
Lightlight LitefWhile helping you see in the dark areas of the map, turns on your flashlight.
MapMOpens the map to help you get your bearings and see where the goals are.
TexttHelps you interact with dealers and users.
JointJayTracks all your works and supply.


TalkEIt enables you to communicate with the game world.
View Avatar/characterVowelIt takes you to look at the third person in your character. To continue using this feature, you have to continue to hold the bind.

How to leave items

One of many things Schedule 1 Don’t tell you how you can drop or remove the items in your inventory. There is no key band mentioned under its control, so players can be confused. To clean it, There is no option to leave items Schedule 1.

You can only waste itemsThis means that they will be permanently destroyed and will not be recovered. To access this option, bring your phone using the “tab” key, and you will see the “wasted” box on the bottom right of the screen. Choose something you don’t need anymore, then drag and keep it in the box. You will see it processing for a second, and then it will disappear.

How to move the furniture

I move the furniture Schedule 1On the other hand, is quite easy. You just need to do so that you have to walk up to the item needed to move and take it Holding the right -click button On your mouse then you can keep the item wherever you want. However, this method has some simple terms.

First of all, you will need an empty inventory slot so that the item has a place to move. Secondly, a piece of furniture should be empty. For example, if you want to keep a storage shelf or in the trash, you have to make sure that it is not safe, respectively or the trash is not respectively.

Can you change your control in Schedule 1?

Schedule 1 controls.
Schedule 1 has easy control. Screenshot by DotSports

Yes, you can change your control and binds Schedule 1. You can do this by following the steps below:

  • Go to the Settings menu in the game. If you are already in the game, you can do this by suppressing the escape key. If you are in the main menu, however, just click on the settings below the “new game”.
  • Click the Control Tab in the Settings menu.
  • Use the left -click on the bind of it you want to change, and you will be able to set it on what you prefer.

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