As part of Foretenite Lawlessness season, you have a story searching group to complete the characters around the island. This week’s out of Lao Madass, the golden -connected bad boy. Let’s see what she wants to do to you Foretenite Madas wanted quarters.
All desired: Outloo Madas Coasts and how to complete them
I have six challenges to complete Foretenite Wanted: Outlaw Midas Quests. Everyone gives 30K XP, so they can promote a good promotion to open your beetle pass in this season.
Complete Shadow Briefing to gain Madas’s confidence

This struggle can bump some players who have not seen Shadow briefing computers around the island since it was included in Chapter 6. About ten of them are usually tied about the map, spreading each of the 21 fixed places. Unfortunately, they are not marked on the main map. To find one, check out any of the first designated locations. When you are close to the Shadow briefing location, you will see a laptop icon on a mini -map. Complete Shadow briefing in this match to meet the struggle.
Spend a thousand times in black markets

Unless there is no other player to buy items in the black market, this is an easy struggle by Outlaw Madas. See any of the three places in the Black Market – Magic Mass, Rainbow Fields, or Crime City – and a thousand times a thousand times. The best way to do this is to buy an epic roari weapon and some health items such as shield pots or med kits.
Open an illegal chest with a rare or better outlord card

Outlooking can be found in the backroom of the black market. These special breasts can only be opened when you have rare or better out -of -the -cabed. This card upgrade is available after completing your ten outlaw card questions. Once you have a blue (rare) or better card, you can access all amazing weapons and items inside and complete the struggle.
Make the sensor bag and scan 3 for mysterious energy signatures
Go north of the Valley Crossing (follow the passenger to mark the exact area on your map) and open the blue chest. It will equip the sensor bag. See and talk to each of these three places to scan the mysterious energy signature and complete the struggle.
Steal from a mask maker’s abode of a mask maker’s book
Some of you may remember the story of the previous season included in Diego and the mask. Well, this is what Midas is talking about. The mask maker’s abode is a landlord, where Diego was hidden in the last season. Find it in the northern area of ​​the masked grass field. Invest into a book on the floor to complete the struggle.
Talk to Madas about Zero Point Shard

To talk to Madas and eliminate questions, travel to the Black Market near the rainbow fields. Outlaws are in Midas backrooms. Talk to him, listen to him, and your desired: Madas Quests are complete.