All Kabukimono locations and rewards in Assassin’s Creed Shadows

by pokogame

“Kabokimono” Is a struggle The killer’s profession shadow When you arrive in the western setso after arriving at Amgasaki.

You can technically (accidentally) struggle and board the menu of your goals Ago If you collide any of the kobokimono, you formally choose this struggle. The real struggle begins when you talk to a monk named Shanno and tell you about some of the disturbing Ronin, who interrupts social harmony.

Ours The killer’s profession shadow Guide will tell you how to find All the kabokimono spots And what reward will you get to do this?

How to start ‘Kabokimono’ in the murder’s profession shadow

“Kabokimono” has its own goals boards, but it is also a part of it The people of the seato The purpose board is also named “Kabokimono”, and you will lift it from the nominee priest. Shinno.


You will get it along the west edge of Sittsu Nashinomia shrine city Straight to the West Amgasaki Castle. He stands on the entrance to the city of Nashinomia. When you talk to him, he will explain why Kabokimono is dangerous and why he wants to deal with them.

Is tomorrow’s tomorrow Eight kabokimono To find out The killer’s profession shadow. You will be able to deal with five of them in the setsu, but the rest will have to wait until Harma reaches.

In the setsu, you will find:

  • Chief Coco
  • Ghost General
  • Amber
  • Tomb dancer
  • Big Civic

When you arrive at Harima, you may find:

  • Abusive blade
  • A laughing man
  • Peacock

Below, we will show you where to find All Bocamono goals I The killer’s profession shadowIn addition, details about what awards you will receive for each of them. Also note that partially through the mission, you have a choice about whether or not you want to contact the rest of the members (but also more difficult).

Where to find Chief Coco


Chief Coco Is in the setso, the last time was seen in the cotton, and is involved in the oil trade. Easily, is one Catano Oil Trading The enemy base in Katano. (Katano is also the place where you will choose the “butterfly collector” Quest.) You will find it in this enemy area. If you are lucky, you will see it near some explosive barrel.

You will find Prisoning Naginata And Damage after dodge Engraving to kill it.

Where to find the Goast General


Your objective board notes say that Ghost General Western seats on the coast of Setsu and disrupts the upcoming shipment of luggage. This is your signal to see Sakai – especially the Sakai port near the Money Changer District. You will see it walking around the tall pier The port of Sakai Or nearly market stalls.

When you hit it, you will find The greed of kabokimono Katna and gave Adrenaline on multiple enemies Engraving


Kabokimono’s name is Amber Osaka is in the southwest of the Castle, in the seato, and can be found near the burning buildings. You will meet it in the southwest Osaka Close to District of fisherman (Which is the area you will find in search of Oregitic butterflies for “butterfly collector”.) Amber has a small camp that is easily Complete (Like, more than reasonable) Explosive barrels.

You will find Amber’s spark Tipo and Armored observations to pierce armored observations When you kill it, engraving.

Where to find the tomb dancer


Tomb dancer There is a beautiful straight set of sides for its location. She is in the seato, in Osaka (actually a bit southeast of Osaka), Sumushi shrine. You will see him hanging on the shrine with a friend, but this temple itself is not discouraged.

Have a reward to kill him The widow’s woman satisfying Katna and gave Construction on continuous casualties Engraving


We saved Big Civic Until the end because it is the biggest trouble to take it out. She is in a inn, in the north of Amgasaki Castle, in the seato. You will find it in the east Maco Post Town Finding the area is not a difficult part – that is that he and his four Ronin are all in a limited area and you can’t really take it out of it.

Most of our fate was the most fortunate to throw smoke bombs in the garden, take the bug so quickly and then run away. Even if you can’t get it out in a shot, the way to go here is hit and run-the only thing is not with you.

You will find Tet lace parle Katna and gave Damage with discomfort Engraving

Should you contact Kabokimono?

The shadow of the killer's profession decides to hunt or collect Kabokimono one by one

Photo: Polygon via Yubisoft Cubic/Yubisoft

After killing your fifth Kabokimono, you will have to choose. You can Leave a message on the shrine Call the remaining three in the Nashomia shrine, or track them one by one by one Herma.

What you do here really comes down to see how you fight them.

  • Make the hunting of the leaders one by one If you prefer a lazy, timid, murder.
  • Collect them If you want a big fight with more than one kabokimono at the same time.
The shadow of Hassan's profession collected the kabokimono location

Photo: Polygon via Yubisoft Cubic/Yubisoft

If you collect them, you will meet them in the Lumbar camp in southeast Harma in the southeast Takhagi And a good way to the northeast of the northeast Kakagawa Estori. You will still have the opportunity to steal something, but they will all be at a great extent and, there are possibilities, it will end in a outout.

If, instead, you want to deal with them at a time, read. We will also give details of the rewards of each of the rest of Kabokimono below.

Where to find a corrupt blade


You will find Abusive blade In the southeast Herma, to the southwest of Mikey Habiama camp. It is a little difficult to go to him because he is in an opposing camp with several Ronin. If you take them out carefully, you can eliminate its support as long as you’re just fighting it.

Killing it gets you Kabuki abuse Long Katana and Di Ration on murder Engraving

Where to find a laughing man


Your goals will be somewhere A laughing man The eastern mountain is in Kasagata, in Harima, in a camp near a wrinkle. You are looking for Blackstone Caskades To the east of the east The lover’s lake In North Central Harima. His camp is small – just his and a friend – and a big, easy tree that is hanging from above. Use it to kill.

You will find Yubigabi flight Turnutt and Adrenaline advantage for Kosrigama Master Engraving


You will find Peacock Far in the north (north) of the nearest (north) (north) Mount KasgataAnd near the border Butalba. It will be fine along the main road to the north via Harma, so it is very easy to reach. He will stand near a bridge across the border.

Kill for her Hand sleepy Bow and Built with Back Stab Engraving

What is left is that you have to go back to Shinno in the city of Nashinomia to talk and claim 5,500 xp.

For more The killer’s profession shadow See our lists of guides, lost pages, kiji Kerry, and coach locations. Or see our whole The killer’s profession shadow Walkthrough, and our leader about how to achieve all colleagues and romance options.

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