All Tea Ceremony answers in Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Destructoid

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Haasan’s profession is looking for all the answers to all the tea function in the shadow? The tea function is a struggle in the Golden Tipo Story Line. During this event, NAOE will have several dialogue options to choose. Here are the best answers to give the results of tea function and all struggle.

Dialogue options for tea function

All Tea Ceremony answers in Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Destructoid
Image by districtide

Once you talk to the master of tea and buy a cousin, go back to Amy Sokin to start the tea function. (Note that the choice of your cousin and gift for Master Sokyo will not affect the results of this struggle). There are three women you will need to talk to the party to find out what is the target of Golden Tipu and your murder. The first woman, Otama, is located on the left side of the main gates.

When approaching each of the women, you can give one of the three fake names. If you choose a name that you do not compatible with the alias given to Amy, then the other women will look at you once as a guest, you will look at you but there will be no major results.

When talking to Otama, they will choose your cousin’s choice, regardless of whether you choose to wear. Then you will get the following dialogue selection:

  • I had a good teacher: Otama will show Snobri that Master’s Ricio was ready to teach you.
  • I know the son well: Otama will treat you with a thin veil.

Next, you can approach Lady Satuko, which is located by a musician on the way from Otama. You will have the following dialogue options:

  • I am a friend with Master Sokyo.
  • I have agreements with IMAI.

Whatever option you will choose here, you will get the same result. Satuko will laugh at her and then reveal that she likes to hunt robbers in her spare time and is strictly against theft. After that she will forgive herself.

The third guest is a conversation, which is located with a large fox statue. If you wear Black Casode, she will appreciate you, if you wear a red color, she will instruct you to make different choices the next time. You will have the following dialogue options:

  • Of course I know you: Novo’s birthplace was wrong.
  • I am new to Sakai: Wakas told Novo that he had good instincts and that he was flattering before telling him about his ambitions.

You will have the choice of the next dialogue.

  • I didn’t say where I was from: Wakasa laughed, “This is a good answer and raises an invitation to Osaka Castle where she is” monitoring some work. ” If you do not want to infiltrate the palace in later history, this is the best option to choose.
  • I am from Nagasaki: Wakas caught nine in his lies. If you want to complete the struggle first, avoid this option.

How to complete the tea function

Nau Hassan's profession of attending the tea ceremony shadow screenshot.
Image by districtide

You have to perform the rituals properly at the tea ceremony. Choose the following options when given:

  • Press Half the way.
  • Twice bowl.

If you do not perform Wright successfully, Master Soki will shape you tight and your lack of experience will be noted by other guests.

Result of the best function of tea

Screenshot of Hassan's profession between Wakasa or Otama after the tea ceremony.
Image by districtide

You should take the most out of tea function to take advantage of you, you should do the following three things:

  • Avoid lying from Wakasa: Make sure you say “I didn’t say where I was from “ When you talk to him.
  • Perform the tea function properly.
  • After the ceremony, fight Wakasa.

If you do all these three, you will have the opportunity to follow your target for a murder after the party. Otherwise, this struggle will continue and you will need to infiltrate an entire base with enemies to complete the murder.

It turns around our guide to choose the best tea function. For more The killer’s profession shadow Indications and tricks, see our guides about all legendary spectacles or our descriptions of how pets are adopted in the game.

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