In Japan, AMD comes a huge bomb by the company’s CEO after a tentalizing tedibat of 45 % market share. Dr. Lisa SU says the Redon RX 9070 XTS is barred through the most sale of AMD Redon GPU and 10 factor in the ever -selling AMD. Yes, really.
Is there a catch? Well, she was just talking about sales for the first week. Asos representatives to talk to ordinary Uncle Tony–
The SU does not put the original data on it, so it is difficult to know how it is translated into the original volumes. And, of course, sale bumper for a week and then for months, no availability, for example, does not necessarily mean impressive overall volume.
Therefore, the real question from the argument is long -term availability, not the first week’s sale. On this topic, SU says, “We are increasing manufacturing so that we can have more and more concerts that we have access.” Once again, the lack of details is a bit disappointing even if we appreciate ordinary emotions.
According to the prediction, SU emphasized the current AMD’s focus on bringing features and performance in the market mainstream. SU observed, “Everyone likes a very high, highly advanced GPU, but many people cannot access it,” SU added, adding that the AMD is committed to bringing, “The best gaming capacity at a good price site.”
In other topics, ordinary Uncle Tony also asked the SU to think that the cost of chip manufacturing is increasing while the benefits of new nodes are diminishing.
“It is true that Silicon Skilling is getting more difficult,” says SU. We have seen this trend for more than five years. ” Slight? SU believes that Silicon still has some legs, but it will require some of some fellow technologies for maximum return.
“From the AMD’s point of view, we have invested in next -generation technologies, for example, our Chapel Packaging Technology. Our 3D stacking is another example.” “I think Silicon has to go a long journey right now, but we have to improve not only on the silicon but also on the package and on the system and with the software.”
However, it will certainly be interesting to see how AMD GPUS is available in the coming months and then how it has an impact on AMD’s wider market share when the suspects usually roam with their estimates this year. The long story short, it seems clear that AMD’s new GPUS has a great demand, the question is whether the company will really form a large number of them to get a significant share in the market. See this place.