The latest Final fiction 14 Final raid, allegedly a part of the most difficult level of MMO’s advanced material, no longer healing and no tank has been cleaned-what is next?
Three weeks ago, Solution Nights managed to clear the non -written future, Square anxicsThe recent final raid in the final fiction 14, without healing. A full video of displaying impressive feats continues UTubeTo form a successful party, to form a new sheller by forming a successful party and highlighting the strategies used by the players. The group consisted of four polyadians, a wrap, a dancer, a red map, and one packet.

As if it was not going to blow enough, three days ago, Effurse Raver (yes, this is a smart game on a futures that has been rewroups without “T”) Something like that – Except for this time, without a tank. The static formation solution was clearly different from the knights, in addition to adding a packet of it, instead of a scholar, astrology, sage, monk, dragon, ninja, and bird – and of course no no tank.
Now that the raid has been cleared by a group that has no fitness and a group with no tank, the fans are wondering what is next for the final. A recent reddit The thread that highlights the nun tank run is just that, in which players discuss the possibility of no-DPS. One commentator joking, “Humiz hit us better than the NO DPS run before 7.2,” a commentator made fun. Another fan added, “Now is the time to clean without DPS.”

This community is making ideas and methods for the NO-DPS run (or near it): “7 tank/healing + 1 picture.” Not everyone is happy with the possibility of such a “simple” ultimatic, however, some people’s futures will be non -written “in a few years, there will be another Ukob where you will see the deaths with 30 deaths.” As a long -lasting raiding researcher, though, I would argue that the endless coil of Bahamutat is still an impressive clear – as the Future is non -written.
What is the final concentration after 14 Yet the largest Don Trail Patch Drops at the end of this month?