Asus appears to have quietly changed the design of its Q-Release PCIe slot after claims of potential GPU pin damage

by pokogame

Asus appears to have quietly changed the design of its Q-Release PCIe slot after claims of potential GPU pin damage

Asus suffered allegations of the GPU-damaging connector design earlier this year, thanks to its claims that its QQ-Rease Slim PCI slot system could potentially scratch GPU pins. Now it appears that Asos has quietly changed the system design, as a mother board has clearly seen in the newly released product images with different slot mechanisms.

As the spot has happened Unico’s hardwareProduct Pictures ASUS ROG APEX X870E The Mother Board shows that QQ-Rease looks like a slim design without a metal frame between electric and data lane, which was thought to have potentially contributed to early clothing (via via Videovards,

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