Developer: Rebellion
Publisher: Rebellion
Gender: Action / FPS / Survival
Platform: PC (SteamFor, for, for,. Epic sports shopFor, for, for,. And Microsoft Store,,,,, PS4/PS5 (PS5 Pro increased)For, for, for,. Xbox One/Series S | ‘
Price: £ 44.99/$ 49.99/49,99 € (Standard Edition),. 64.99/$ 69.99/69,99 € (Delux Edition) (Pricing platform and different from the region.
Release Date: March 27, 2025 (Standard Edition), 24 March 2025 (Delux Edition)
Length of the game: ~ 25 hours
PC System Requirements: TBD
A survival action game affected by real -life events, the atom fall has been set five years after the wind scale nuclear disaster in northern England.
Talk on your way through a British rural area through the fantasy Singh zone, scangne, craft, barter, fighting and fighting and filled with strange characters, pictures, sects and bullying government agencies.
Defend yourself from the choice of weapons (including pistols, SMGs, bows and arrows and more) and if this is not your style, give your enemies a riot with a cricket bat.

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