After the franchise of six films and a failed reboot, Hollywood is daring to resume its efforts on a new resident Evil Movie, and may have received a star from a flag of excitement. From the news Hollywood reporter It reveals that Austin Abrams, who played the role of ethan in the hit series, can be trapped in a new project in a new project that already has some impressive skills.
The news came when it was announced that Barberian director Zach Curiger was attached to the beloved survivor of the horror game franchise to write and instruct the horror game franchise. Bill Scarsgarde, Georgina Thomson, and Justin Long acting, after the success of this monster, Kragger is now applying the last moments to his next movie, weapons, described as a “multi -store” horror film after the disappearance of high school students. In this, Abramus Stars (which you can estimate where the conversation started) with Josh Berwaln, Julia Garner, Jon Dian Rafael, Bendewat Wong, and Eldon Ernrich.
Currently, although the conversation is all that is happening, but you can expect things to move at speeds, things can change very fast. The Sony wants to turn the wheels on the zombie -affected roller coaster, in which the Craiger is already in Europe, which is looking for locations to set places.
Keeping this particular area, is it possible that the new competition on the franchise is actually away from the choice of a kind of Rickon City and instead look at the more rural and disturbing areas that the video game franchise’s hero has fought like a resident of Evil 7: In fact, seeing how Craiger has already given a large and supernatural humanity in Barberian, can he start direct action of Lady Dimitesko? We believe that there is no hope. We are only overcoming Randy Mems for more than the first time.
For now, make sure your ammunition is well stock and you have enough green herbs. When you are on it, take some time watching the 10 best video game movies in our list.